So many bugs and crashes everywhere and all the problems you find in most Bethesda games. Combat isn't that fun and some quests are criminally underdevelopped.
And then you find out about the writing, you fall in love with this universe, its characters, all the difficult choices you have to do at every turn. Then you get lost on your 5th playthrough and find a city full of toxic waste that you never seen before and discover 3 fun quests inside it. The experience is guided so you find many fun things, but there's also great stuff under the surface that you may miss.
The evil army that destroys everything manage to be both scary and incredibly believable despite the fact they're cosplayers using quaterback equipement, the companion's stories are bittersweet and a pleasure to discover, then there's a Presley impersonator faction that is taking itself so seriously that I didn't realize there was a joke for an embarrassingly long time. New Vegas is a story about letting go of our past and accept the present for what it can give, and what we can give to it for a better future. It can be sad, funny, creepy, epic, inspiring, and sometimes all of them.
It really shouldn't be that good.

It's a slog to play. Most of the time you just walk from one place to another. Combat is fine when there's a single enemy who don't require 40 hits to die, it becomes horrendous when you're forced to fight more than one.
It has a unique ambiance, some great moments, and the last hour is really worth getting to. It's the ultimate example of a game having bad gameplay but awesome narrative. If it had came out some years later it would have been an even shorter game and a walking sim and I think it would have been an unforgettable experience.
It has great elements, and I'm happy to have played it, but clearly I will never touch it ever again.

This is really hard to talk about Silent Hill 2.
At a glance, or when you haven't played it for a long time, it doesn't seem that special, or even good. Combats are boring, the city doesn't look as beautiful as in the first game, cinematics look like a weird fever dream, the game isn't that scary... But when you play it, progressing through the "dungeons", dodging the monsters, discovering new rooms and new creepy scenarios the game put you in, when you try to read between the lines, to think about what you seen before, to understand what this game is trying to do...
There's a moment where it just clicks. A moment that is different for everyone, where the game suddenly stops being mid and where it becomes some of the best thing you ever seen.
It may not be true to everyone, just like any game that tries to be unique, it won't be for everyone. But to me, it was one of a kind. Already completed it two times and I am certain I'll come back to it in the future.
It's not always fun of smart, but it's always intriging, always fascinating, both depressing and beautiful in its own right.
I don't know what else to say

The game I'm always coming back to.
Very solid core gameplay, huge variety of weapons and fighting styles you can use, and so much personality.
Once you understand what's happening, you have fun, no matter how good or bad you are. You can always improve, you can always do something funnier or more stupid. I have a great time when I take the game seriously, I have a great time when I'm doing silly stuff.
Community makes it better but also worse sadly. There's balancing issues, there's bots, there's an economic system that may be unfair if you decide to get into it.
Not a perfect game, but one I'm having so much fun with.

Not a game for everyone.
Tedious at times, boring at others, and very cryptic.
However it has so much charm, it sounds very personnal to me. The last hour especially is awesome.
I don't think I can recommend it, but I'm sure I love this one with all my heart.

A great game, and my favorite of the Fire Emblem Franchise. The game is kind of easy for a Fire Emblem game, and it's clearly not the best tactical experience you'll get in this franchie. This game is more a playable story than it is a game with a good story in it. Every element of Genealogy serves the narrative, the strenght of the characters reflects their developpement and their place in the world, the challenges are constantly evolving to flow with the story, story events that you can't even participate in take place during fights... This allow the universe to feel real, and we can feel the stakes of what's happening. It's clearly not a game for everyone, it can be slow and tedious at times, and the story can be less interesting in the second half, but if you think a game using his mecanics mainly to tell a compelling plot with memorable characters may be for you, I'll blindy recommand that you at least give it a try. Don't be afraid of the difficulty if you're not used to play old Fire Emblem games, you can save litteraly every turn, and you have broken characters among your units.