8 reviews liked by Xhera

Insanely fun multiplayer game that feels like a breath of fresh air in the shooter space with its "game show" match format and insane amounts of interactivity that give a very "divergent gameplay" vibe to the experience. Being able to throw explosives and blow up buildings and spawn walls and turrets and have all these things react in real time in a multiplayer game lends itself to some really unique gameplay moments.

However, The Finals also has lifeless AI announcers and the aesthetic of a wet rag, so while I might remember my novel experiences with the gameplay, I doubt a single piece of its style will stick with me for the long run - which means it's only a matter of time before someone else does it better.

oh boy, i love playing a game that feels exactly like the original sonic games again (and yet somehow worse)! sonic mania is better in just about every way and it's a third of the price

we live in a nightmare world where rumbleverse had to die and this game shows up to do an ugly dance on its corpse. it's so much worse than i could have ever imagined it would be.

every time i think i'm good at rhythm games i take a quick trip to japan and humble myself by watching some japanese salaryman in a suit and tie absolutely demolish every max difficulty song on the cabinet

When you distill the concept of “video game” into an essence and shoot it straight into your veins, this is what it feels like. While I did find myself wishing for some more difficulty throughout the entire experience - and for the tricking system to be bit more intricate - it's still incredibly easy to recommend Bomb Rush. It's just... pure fun.

(second closed beta)

if i could have anal sex with a game it would be with this game

went in like "yeah i don't cry that often" but damn this game got hands