Megaman X4 has held a special place in my heart for as long as i can remember, it's probably the first game i remember playing, and considering the fact that i still revisit it to this day just shows how well it's stood the test of time!
I personally prefer playing as Zero since every single attack he has feels so satisfying to use, everything from the sound effects to the animations to the actual utility from using the weapons is so insanely fun and well executed
I would be lying if i said this game isn't one of the reasons that i enjoy platformers to this very day still, and have tons of love for the stylized pixelated games like Celeste, Undertale and OneShot

Diablo IV managed to live up to the hype that they'd built up for this franchise despite having ruined the Diablo franchise with Diablo Immortal which is very impressive!
I genuinely had tons of fun playing through the game, however i found the endgame content to be VERY grindy and unfun in general, so didn't have much enjoyment in the game after finishing the main story personally