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Xoo00o0o0o finished Crow Country
A love letter to classic survival horror games with updated mechanics that makes the game accessible to an audience that did not grow up with the genre. The story and enemy design were both classic Resident Evil/Silent Hill. I absolutely recommend this to anyone who is a fan of classic and modern horror games.

1 day ago

Xoo00o0o0o completed Metal Gear Solid
I'd played this game before, but I was much younger and not able to appreciate the absolute genius Metal Gear Solid is. The game play holds up well for being over 25 years old, and the story is like no other. I absolutely recommend everyone play this game, even if your only way to do so is Twin Snakes (which is not as bad as people make it out to be. Yes it has it's problems, but it's still great)

7 days ago

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