6 reviews liked by Xx_Hades_xX8629

"Hasn't aged the best" nigga you haven't aged the best

A creeper blew up my home fuck this game lol, Im gonna to taco bell need some tacos

I didn't get racism until it happened to robots

This game deserves a sequel. We need more gta-style games set outside of the U.S.

also pork buns

had to shelf that one (with very slim chances of even picking it up again) because of being unable to go one gameplay session without being sent into a meltdown seeing kiryu get hurt.

came here for old man yaoi, stayed for deep love for kazuma, left with my guts and heart rearranged into a bad scrambled egg. good job RGG. and i mean it in a good way.

if you like being doorslammed by seeing a kind soul being dragged through rings of hell, play the entire series.