226 Reviews liked by Ydubber

S ranking every boss took the soul out of me

I in fact managed to deal with the devil

The worst way to play the best Mario Kart game. Play Toad Harbor in Battle Mode if you want a brain aneurysm!

Fun in short bursts. very very very slow progression.

dont get why in games like this where users could make levels for theoretically any song possible and they only choose bad edm songs. if im gonna be doing the video game equivalent of slamming my head into a wall until it breaks for an hour i'd rather do it to the tune of something id ever listen to outside of that context than Monstercat Selects #372 or whatever.

also incredible how this is threatening osu's title as the rhythm game pedophiles play

Rating this is more like...rating the quality of the editor? It's very heavily community oriented, the main levels don't offer so much at all. Community levels can predictably range from really fucking cool to really awful, so then it's like, how do you score that? But again it's all possible with the editor which is not hard to use when you have ideas and allows for some crazy possibilities (including little minigames and even a recreation of brainfuck in one case)

Also of note though is that the community is hell and there has not been a major update in four years and counting. I made a bunch of my friends here but also probably just as many enemies i 'd honestly just like avoid gd twitter as much as possible

this game was actually helpful as it taught me how mentally low i could really go before i completely lose my shit. great game! (1.3k hours in Steam)

Control/Gameplay - It's just clicking.

Graphics & Sound - Dependable on the creator, the vanilla levels are kind of shit when you compare to what other players are capable of making in the online levels with banging newgrounds music

Story - No story plot.

Characters - Scratch da homie fr

Replayability - I would 100% go back to test my mental abilities again

Overall Score - 3.5

this game marked the downfall of my life

i have played 4k~ hours of this game in total please help me

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

It's fun but hard. I like "bwomping", and most people call the square a cube even though it's not 3D! I like the game because it has a lot of customability, and you can do funny things. And my favorite part is playing the level Blast Processing (the bwomp level) because it has the best song in the game. My favorite custom song is called Endgame by Waterflame, and Waterflame makes good songs. And when will 2.2 come out? Robtop please. Please give us 2.2. Bye!

I swear every discord server has that one guy who'll occasionally post a clip that starts off on 'attempt 53837' with the most eye bleeding background you've ever seen where you can barely see what you're supposed to interact with, proceed to get through 43% of it at lightning speed and die, and then their next message is 'yeah gonna grind this one out a little more I'm liking this one'

I have now 100% completed this game twice just because I wanted to. Tons of unlockable content, great stages, fun hazards, and basically limitless replay value. Calling this game "Competitive Mario Maker" is pretty accurate, but it's somehow even more fun than that description would lead you to believe. Stalling and trolling are a little too effective online, but the real experience is with four people in the same room. Easy 10/10 with a group of friends, about a 7-8 if you are playing online against randos. Still highly recommend either way.

I love this party game. Everyone can have fun with this even if you aren't that great at platformers.

Whoever invented the jetpack can be tarred and feathered for all I care