like fallout 4, this is a really good sandbox fps game. sadly, nowadays fallout isnt the great rpg that it once was with fallout 1 or new vegas but it makes for a good game to wind down with by exploring an apocalyptic appalachia.

slow-mo shootouts, powerful as hell guns, and some banging dnb tunes. what else could you ask for?

oh my god my childhood is rushing into my head. like a great flood of memories, they flow into the forefront of my senses. the summer ac, the car ride hums, the nostalgic smell of lazy rain days. it's repetitive at first like pretty much every pokemon but building up a team is a great feeling while exploring this unfamiliar land. overall the game reminds me of how i played the FUCK out of platinum as a kid. might be a 4.5 eventually

completed my first cycle of guilt and now i want to hurt whoever thought infinitely spawning enemies behind the player was a good idea

so are all ryu ga gotoku studio games just like the video game equivalent to friendship?

i aint gon lie, i was in a bad place at the time and thought that this silly puzzle game jerma played would help distract me (which it did for like 30 minutes)

if you love bloody flesh, rusted metal, and the color red, then you should buy this game or try out the demo. also: top 5 revolvers in an fps.

why do aim trainer games exist when you can play light gun games

i think i just played a student's first ever unity project. only good stuff is atmosphere and how surreal the artstyle is. i wouldnt really recommend it because i have no idea what im supposed to do and i felt like i was playing slenderman but with a very bad gun

a really, really great FPS hampered by some odd encounter design choices. theres this one enemy who i guess is like this game's equivalent of a cyberdemon. its the biggest baddest motherfucker to come across. thing is, you can shit on it with a rocket launcher and the micro missile ability. now this wouldnt be a problem if it was put in an arena with a buncha other enemies but this guy is usually just put by himself to 1v1 you which makes him way weaker in my head when i can just yknow blow him up in 1 second. there are a couple of annoying checkpoints in the game, once i had to reload an earlier checkpoint because i just couldnt keep going with how low my health was, but they werent frequent enough to have me dislike the game. very excited to see this get finished

joe is one of the greatest characters in media of all time

short as hell campaign but the cathartic mess of bullets and explosions combined with the great dnb soundtrack has me tempted to go back and play the firefight gamemode some day

This is so sick i havent played a tony hawk game before i love it even though my left hand hurts because of the d-pad

super simple stuff but very nicely paced. the level design albeit simple is paired very well with all of the enemies and their attacks. the encounter design is really good, extraneum is an example of a something done very simply but done very well. actually makes me want to give wolfenstein 3d another shot lol.

my only gripe with this game is that it's short. i really enjoyed every second of it and wanted it to keep going. it's as if the devs for chasm: the rift went back to clean up their original game, improve upon the combat and level design, trim off all the fat, and were thinking of doom 3 while doing all of that. if you like chasm: the rift and/or doom 3, this is a no brainer to get or at least check out.