Ok....... This is something that has been bothering me alot since the start of the year when I wanted to delve in Undertale massively. I'm going to get massive shits about this, especially by friends, so I'm just going to say this outright: Flowey is a fucking shit villain. He's not a clever villain, he's just a killing machine just to pent up drama. I could arguably say that Flowey is one of the worst villains I've seen in gaming. Yeah, I fucking went there you cunts. He is one of the major issues I have with the game. It feels so much like the final boss of Sonic Frontiers. Flowey could be a genuinely scary antagonist, but one aspect that ruins the character for me is the fact that Flowey has no emotions. I get the reason why that is and I do like the backstory of Flowey, but this factor alone does not engage me AT ALL. Flowey hinges so much on bringing in tension and suspense and is the most try-hard failure of a villain I've seen since The End from Sonic Frontiers. It mostly focuses so much on Flowey being the most mentally-insane badass character, think Riddler from Batman 2022 mixed with Mephiles the Dark from Sonic 06. One thing I like to see in a villain is some sort of emotion or expression. Riddler, Eggman, Gorr from fucking Love and Thunder, etc. I love these villains because you could understand their origin, their reactions, their expressions, etc. While I do like the backstory of Flowey, as I mentioned before, everything else just leaves me miserable. And you know what? Maybe it's my fault. Prehaps I only have myself to blame for expecting the antagonist who carries the strings to be upthere with the best parts of Undertale, the effective writing, the great messages, the fun characters, the intriguing world building, the uniqueness of this game, and this soulless suicide-threat generator of a villain. Yes, I'm aware of the "soulless" comment. The best way I can describe that part is I get how Flowey literally has no emotions, it just does not make me like the villain at all. I get and understand the cause of this, I just don't like it. To me, he just feels like Kang from Quantumania but so unbearable and worse to follow. It feels like a case of the villain being indiscriminate for the sake of being indiscriminate. It's not really scary. It's not really impressive. Honestly, it's really just a letdown. And somehow, this is another treasured part of Undertale. I guess I'm the retarded one for thinking this way. Fuck me.

Sorry for this huge tantrum, I really wanted to release this anger because it's genuinely something I am so pissed about. I love this game alot, but this is the massive stain in the package that prevents me from calling this game one of the best I've ever played. I don't know how to express everything fully by words. All I feel discussing this is an aura of rage & fire, and the grilling eyes of frustration. This character is one of the most personally frustrating things in gaming and I want to make it as clear and open as possible. I need to relax by watching funny Youtube content, oh my lord.

Me bopping my head often during the gameplay bc the music is fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥

The fact that Treasure made this and Wario World will always bother me, such different tones and moods from the same company 😭😭😭

Honest to god, one of my favorite Wii games. I'd say I enjoyed this game more than both Mario Galaxy games, yeah I said it. The visuals alone peaked my curiosity alot and the gameplay is fucking fun as well. The submarine levels are the weakest, but I never found them too annoying to be clear. Would I sat it's better than Wario Land 4? Idk I love them both equally.......... maybe 4 is a bit better than Shake It! but none the less, this game is such a fun time.

I don't know about you, but this for some reason has Zelda vibes and idk why

The only good handheld Mario Party game

Words cannot describe how much (ironic) fun this game I got from this game and the ost makes me ejaculate. This game's existence truly is something from its development to execution and it's one of my favorite games ever for all the wrong reasons

This is an experimental WarioWare, I'll say. I like this approach to WarioWare, but my biggest problem is the flaws of its gimmick of selectable characters from the WarioWare crew and them playing differently from one another. Certain characters are not compatible with some microgames which ends up making it annoying to play when that happens. And the weird thing is, the game is aware of this issue when getting a high score in a specific microgame I believe. Anyways, good WarioWare game

Subspace Emissary is a narrative mess and I'm tired of pretending it's PEAK GAMING OMG.
"Are you seriously going to view the adventure mode as some sort of movie?" Yes...........

Why is Wario just turning people into trophies? At least Bowser is taking orders from Ganondorf but we never see Wario make a call with him. Alot of characters realistically have no purpose like what does Snake contribute when other characters could've filled his spot. Exposition and character backstory? What's that? Nah this is a river that randomly chooses where to go, shove in characters that just feel like they have to contribute somehow or along for the ride.

Ok this is mainly a satire thing, I don't think the story of Subspace needs to be like The Lego Movie..... but the biggest flick in the nuts that this mode offers and something that isn't a satire act is Sonic being introduced at the literal last second. Why the fuck is Sonic only unlockable and playable and contributable in the final fucking boss? I get Sonic as supposedly a rushed character to develop (which may have tarnished Sonic's moveset and his undeserved top tier status in 4 & Ultimate in many's eyes) but if you ask me, either have Sonic heavily involved in the story or not have him at all and be an optional like Jigglypuff & Wolf. You're going to have this molden cheese on a hook and toy with me like this by giving Sonic around like 10 seconds of screentime in the cutscenes?????? This is such a small nitpicky thing but it genuinely angers me that Sonic got the short end of the stick compared to other cast members like Snake, Wario, Mario, Ganondorf, etc.

I'm writing this review at 9:33 PM, give me a break I feel sleepy mimimimimimi

I'm of the opinion that Wario Land: Shake It! is not only the best Wario game, it's better than Wario Land 4, and it's better than both Mario Galaxy games (in my opinion by the way). I adore Wario Land: Shake It with the bottom of my heart with alot of things it does. It defines Wario so well in my eyes, the gameplay is really fun, the music is one of my favorite gaming OSTs ever, the visuals are Cuphead levels of spectacular, I adore so much of what this game does.
I understand the shaking may seem annoying, but unlike DKC Retruns where the games expects you to be precise, the motion controls in Wario Land: Shake It! is justified since it's not as hard as DKC Returns and it controls differently from that game. Also you're not gonna have a game on the Wii, have its setting called the Shake Dimension, have Wario & Shake King shake stuff, have a coin-bag that only spews money if you shake it, and not expect the player the shake the remote. It adds a funny, weird charm to the experience.
Two gripes I have with the game is the submarine levels are okay but inferior to the platforming levels and the rewards for the missions is underwhelming making the replay value sucky. Otherwise, it's genuinely one of my favorite & best games on the Wii + one of my favorite games by Nintendo. I would unironically love to see a Wario standalone movie based on Shake It! and I wish Nintendo (+ Smash Bros) represents the Wario Land series better since WarioWare overshadows it.