110 reviews liked by YonkouPluto

This album is deeply special to me. It was my introduction to Tyler, which opened my eyes to so much new music that helped define who I was as I navigated my teenage years. From the first listen, I was starstruck by the raw, heavy synths that engulf the sound of this project. The production was such a highlight for 13 year old me that I completely dismissed and ignored the lyrics; I had a tendency to do so back then. And then I went through the same thing Tyler did, and the album clicked with me in a way it didn't before. No longer was it an amalgamation of cool sounds, it was a personal journey of heartbreak and healing. It became a torch that would guide me out of the cave I'd found myself in. IGOR helped me embrace the process of recovery. And it sounded good as fuck while doing so. Not sure why they adapted into a game though that was pretty weird.

Commercial slop that is devoid of fun and personality. Ubisoft sucks .5/10 (Only gets a .5 becasue dani is bad as a girl)

Sure is more Far Cry.

Great with a podcast or 20.

Having started the series through Yakuza 0, I unfortunately felt the "downgrade" on this one, and knowing it was originally a PS2 game, all I could think of was "ok, it sure feels like a PS2 game".
Not that it makes it bad by any means, just a little tiresome on the farming side. The story is still amazing, and the combat feels very satisfactory once you get the hang of it (fighting multiple boss enemies was kinda overwhelming though).
The sidequests are also a little weaker than the Y0 ones, but the Majima Everywhere system is fun as hell (didn't get past B rank because I didn't want to farm so much)

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This game would not have been as good if I hadn't played Yakuza 0 first as it helps build up the relationships between the characters.
Although my biggest gripe with this game is Yumi, she Is really important as a lot of the game revolves around her actions andbyet I feel no emotion towards her and her fate as we hardly know her.
But it's still really fun and the Yakuza charm is brilliant, can't wait for kiwami 2 after the ending !!
Also the bosses are really badly balanced :P

As a standalone, I liked Yakuza 0 a bit more cause I just found myself deeply captivated by Goro Majima's story, but as a complete package and story this game just gets even more wonderful with everything that game added to the narrative. I'm relatively new to the Yakuza series and both of these games have really done a lot to make me love it!

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Very short, but enjoyable! It reminds me that i’m not very good at stealth, and I need to get used to the MGSV style stealth…

Continuing Peace Walker’s story is nice, and seeing what happens to Chico and Paz is… not so nice, but yeah. Overall, I like how it carries on from Snake and Miller’s escapades as MSF in PW, and shows the downfall of it all. It has pretty dark implications for MGSV (which I have played already, but I didn’t really understand the story lol).

Also, i’m grateful that I now have context for the “They played us like a damn fiddle!!” scene. I love miller

You will never be All Stars Racing and you will CERTAINLY never be All Stars Racing Transformed. Game is fine, just kind of lacking.

This tech demo really just exists, it’s nothing to write home about. Although without it we wouldn’t have gotten Astro’s Peakroom on PS5 so that awards it an extra half a star.