played this with my cousin. in his words, it was definitely 'the game of all time'

i dont fuck with murder but if something were to happen to the people who developed metropolis zone to the last boss lets just say i wouldn't be sad about it

This is a very good game, but I feel like it’s missing something. Maybe an extra chapter at the end would have helped?

Yeah no fuck those final four levels.

What the fuck? Why is this actually good??

Found this game through that one really good song ( Was severely disappointed.

Along with Charged Football, Mario will never get this RAW again

I don't know if I'll ever finish this game, I just can't get into it.

i should've played this before 6, because this had the same gameplay - somehow it was LESS fun and took way longer to get started.

play the og w/ mods instead. that's what i'm gonna do

Main game is actually quite good, but I feel like the final few missions were a bit rushed. The DLC, on the other hand is not worth your time, even if you enjoyed the main story. Year of the Snake was very boring, and Nightmare in North Point was meh. Some of the new mechanics were cool though.