Released on my birthday

My birthday is April 1st, thought it'd be fun to compile my government assigned games. Dates are not restricted to my region only. I used The Cutting Room Floor to compile this list (except for Snow Bros.) and double checked dates with other websites such as Wikipedia and GameFAQs. Arranged newest to oldest.

2021 in Japan

I am very apathetic towards the existence of this game and I don't know why
2014 on Windows

I played the iOS version as a kid, I remember being really addicted to this game. I feel like this game impacted my development in some way and I'm not entirely sure that's a good thing (still love it though).
2011 in Europe on PlayStation 2 and Wii

It possibly released on more consoles that same day but tbh I do not care enough to do more research
2010 in Australia

I know nothing about this
2010 in Europe

Never heard of this
2010 in Japan

Never heard
2010 on Adobe Flash

Is this a real game? TCRF refers to it as a "game" and it seems to be an April Fool's joke. I know nothing about this series
2009 in Japan

The only Mario game to release on my birthday and it's Mario Clock. Great.
2009 in Japan

Also DSiWare, cool. I don't really know what it is
2005 in Europe on Windows

idk it
2005 in Europe on PlayStation 2 and Xbox

2004 in US. Debatable, as Wikipedia says Mar 30 based on an IGN review published that day.

Never played but I hope the release was actually the 1st, as 2004 was the year I was born
2004 in Japan

Never played, but I might just because it's exactly as old as me
2004 in Japan

I know nothing about this but again, exact same age, so I'm kinda obligated to play someday
2003 in Japan on arcade

idk it
2001 in Europe on GameBoy Color. Debatable, Wikipedia lists no EU release date and GameFAQ says Mar 30.

cool i guess
2000 in US.

I know nothing about this (other than the fact it's an Atari game comp)
1999 in Japan on Playstation

I know nothing about this
1999 in Japan

I think I know the series but not much about it
1999 in Japan on WonderSwan. Debatable, I can't find much to any info on the WonderSwan version

It's variety I guess in terms of consoles on this list
1998 in Japan

Never played but I might play the Switch remake someday? Maybe?
1998 in Japan on FM Towns. Debatable, I can only find one other release date and it's on GameFAQ as April 24

I think I played the arcade version of this as a kid but also I have never heard of the FM Towns until now

1996 in US. Debatable, as Wikipedia lists the date as Mar 29 according to a source saying it was shipped to stores by the publisher on this day.

What is this
1996 in US on MS-DOS

I don't think most people think of the DOS version when they think of Rayman 1 but I'm still happy about this. Haven't actually played this game though, sorry
1995 in Japan on Sega Saturn

Never played, but I might someday since it's an iconic Sega game.
1995 in Japan

I know nothing about this
1994 in Japan

Never played
1994 in Japan

I know of the existence of this game but I'm not sure how? I'm not even familiar with the series. I think I saw it on the Wii Shop Channel once (rip)
1994 in Japan on Sega CD

Never heard of
1994 on MS-DOS

Never heard of
1994 in Japan on Genesis

Completely unfamiliar with this game until now but when I looked it up to double check TCRF's release date I saw the cover and thought "hey this looks like the bonanza bros" then read the Wikipedia description
1990 in Japan. The 1st might be an estimate by Backloggd, can't find that date elsewhere.

I really love this game! I used to play the arcade version on MAME with my dad when I was little. Probably my favorite arcade game.

1 Comment

1 month ago

I'll be honest I thought this list would be a lot more fun to make until I realized it's mostly games I've never seen before. The games were rearranged by their release but perhaps you can tell what order I added them in based on how burnt out some of my notes sound.

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