The most fun, action-focused horror game ever made

It's a great game, but fuck the Riddler

It's weird, this game has the best hand-to-hand combat in the series, but it focuses so much on bat tank and doesn't have any bosses that use hand-to-hand combat, it's so weird.
Having said that, the Joker is amazing and there isn't that many Riddler stuff to collect, so that's a plus

Still can't believe I took a Slaking to the League...

My first ever Pokémon game, and it's way too unfairly hated, this game's worst sin is that it's easy, that's it

I only bought this game to play nuzlocke runs without having to delete my Y's savefile

This is better than the 64 version, it's not even a contest

It's Lego Marvel Super Heroes without the things that made Lego Marvel Super Heroes a good game

Is it strange to feel nostalgic for a game I played for the first time less than three days ago?

It's good but the main gimmick gets old after thirty to forty levels and it never feels like the game is creatively pushing and doing new stuff with this gimmick, which is a shame cause it had so much potential

Probably the game in the Arkham series that I have the least to say if you ask me about it, it's very good and that's it, I had a lot of fun, more than in Asylum
I just don't know if it's better than Knight for me