4 reviews liked by YukiSoda_2002

one of my favourite series.

the ds entry has p catchy tunes with decent inputs - on occasion the difference between a quick tap and a hold feels inconsistent, that is merely a skill issue

in terms of difficulty, it has an interesting curve - certain minigames are clearly harder, and they're not exactly ordered. however, the games you Do manage to play well and those you don't is one of personal experience

definitely worth trying. would not emulate outside of OEM.

I don't prefer this game to the Wii entry, it lacks difficulty at times, and is frustratingly hard in others. Typically a level will require you to nail one specific section, which will be slightly different in timing than usual, in order to get a "superb" score. The problem arises when the bit you have to hit is right at the end of a 3 minute level and that is your only opportunity to learn the timing. I did only find this for a couple of levels, however.

Remix 3 in particular left me feeling sour, I finished the level without seeing any indication that I had made a mistake, which the game is usually flawless at telegraphing, but was still only given an "OK". I had to look this up and learnt that one of the minigames will give you a passing score and indicate you did well even if your timing was off, but will register that your timing was off when it comes to the final grading. I was unimpressed by this.

Has really got me in the mood to play the 3ds entry, before moving on to Rhythm Heaven Studio!

Really cool game with a really cool world. Honestly, I like the world more than I like the story or characters. The environments and music really carry this one. As for the story, I think I would need to play it again for a refresher. My one complaint is that the level scaling is kinda wack. Like, The 3rd or 4th boss is just insanely hard for no reason. I remember being stuck on it for ages. Between it and the two enemies it spawns with on the field, they have a combined strength that's capable to wipe out your entire team from full hp before you even get a turn. It kinda sucks, like really bad. But otherwise a very good game with a great world I recommend to a lot of people.

literally why would you pay money for omori when you can download and play end roll for free and have a much better experience with it. full rpg combat system on top of a really good story that leans into the horror aspects the further you go. lot of trigger warnings but if you can stomach them this game is sooo fucking good