134 reviews liked by YuzuBigTits

idk what this is but this is another excuse for me to show how much I love TTGL

You and Me and Her: A Goon Story

i had no fear but i damn well had some pain

What am I doing with my life? All this time spent ironically praising shitty games including this one and now people are unironically gassing up generic survival crafting game number 74,963. That settles it, from now on the words “peak fiction” will never leave my mouth ever again!

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An extremely safe, bland sequel. Back in the day we would have had to wait for this for like 3 years at most. Now you wait 5 years just to get something like this.

The gameplay is a bit better than in the 2018 game. The traversal is the best part of this game by far and it is admittedly fantastic. The web-wings are a great additon. I was afraid they would be too OP, but they're not. Overall an improvement.
I'm not a fan of the combat, but that's not unique to this game. It's basically the same as in the previous two. You mash square, you use your abilities when they charge, you dodge, you mash square. The bosses are basically the same, they're just more spongey, naturally. The symbiote fury was cool though. It shouldn't take 10 hits from Spider-Man to take down some random thug. I don't know, I just don't feel like the combat offers anything unique here. Just mundane and unexciting.

Why the heck did they keep the universally hated MJ missions? It couldn't be subtle propaganda... could it?

So the gameplay is an improvement over the first game, not by a lot, but... you know. If it ain't broke don't fix it? The qualms I have with the combat come down to personal taste. And so do my problems with the story.

The story is really bad. Has it's moments, but they are few and far between. Mostly just rushed, uninteresting and insulting to Spidey fans. They force Miles as the main Spider-Man, making Peter a fucking joke who is incapable of doing his job without an alien boosting his powers, and yet our little Kid Arachnid has like no business being there. Just pops in once in a while to save Pete's ass. He also has his little plotline with Li, but it's so forced, so devoid of any tension and emotion. And they're gonna add ANOTHER Spider-(Wo)Man in the next game. What a joke. The entire ending is a joke. Such a downgrade compared to the first game's story. Fortunately an upgrade over Miles Morales. And trust me, I wouldn't be complaining about the story if it wasn't such a big focus. I don't care if the story is good as long as the game is not a "cinematic" experience. Spidey 2 is, after all, a modern Sony game. If it focuses so much on the story, at least make the story good.

I won't even mention the ideological narrative woven through the game, as many have done that before.

It's fine. It's a fine game. Nothing more.

i actually never played this game in my life

Finally someone made a game based off the battles I face every day in life.

Sorry EOPs but this is real life, the spanish community gets the Baroque translation.


This is, by all technicalities, a quirky indie RPG about depression