Took a while to truly hit, but thinking about the game now and listening to the music is just... mwah, perfect, brilliant, strange game, so fantastic


Not the best game ever, just know it's pure nostalgia that makes me give it this score, playing with my friend, the world itself, even the swimming, amazing memories of all this.

Huge nostalgia bias, but still love it, Gore Magala is one of the most well developed and HYPED up monsters in the series!

Beyond brilliant, after having mixed opinions on Alan Wake 1, genuinely shocked just how good this game is. Basically every part of its gameplay and story is utilised to the fullest and always in creative ways.

May even beat SH2 or RE for me, defo a must play for fans of mind boggling horror games, defo will stick with me for a long time.

Reminded me why I love video-games, just got the first ending and am floored, essentially perfect, and the creator is adding even more content to the game.

For such a small price, it's beyond worth it

Could have been perfect, Pikmin is one of my all time favourite series, and this game does SO MUCH RIGHT that it frustrates me that it makes some basic mistakes. Overbearing tutorials, unlikeable characters, shallow and forgettable night time mode, way too easy difficulty, uninteresting story

...all piled on top of some of the best level design and gameplay of the series, I was absolutely floored by how fun it was, if there were just some MINOR tweaks, this would be my favourite game EASILY. But those things hold it back unfortunately. Either way a great addition to the series, I hope we don't have to wait as long for the next one lmao

Did not expect it to be THAT good wow, fucking incredible, what video games are all about, even as a jaded adult this game hits like a motherfucker, PEAK

Fantastic, truthfully I really don't understand the hate? Only real issue for me is the story structure is quite predictable until the final act, aside from that though this game knocks it out of the park!

TELL ME how this game filtered you, you can't HANDLE the unmitigated 2000's swag oozing from this game.

Combat is fun as fuck, major complaints would be that I wish the dive would go a little further like in OD, overall though the combat is a MASSIVE step up, and the ability to to switch to full auto mid game is great in going against the true main villain of the series: Repetitive strain injury

GONE are the minimalist huds and and the rebooted "mature" take on an old franchise, "oh look at this story about a father learning to understand his son it's so much more mature than the old entr-" FUCK THAT SHIT, this game has a GOOFY SKULL that laughs at you as the most prominent hud element.

Game has JUST enough variety and consistency to keep the fun arcade-y feel of the first title, while still having lots of meat on it's bones like in OD, star of the show are definitely the demolition attacks, which all provide their own weaknesses and strengths, and with how much more enemies are in the game. you'll be getting them far quicker so you'll be mixing them up often.

The aesthetics of this game I also love, YES, the first title looks amazing and this game doesn't hold a candle (I didn't expect this entry to since the devs have basically made nothing else), but the grimey industrial city-scape the helps makes Graves colours pop that looks like it came straight out of the PS3 is so my shit, even things like the music tracks are actually really good here too! Very edgy, very nice

The game even has post game unlockable skins and even a character who you can replay every stage with! Not even DMC5 gave that option so this is honestly sick!

It's not perfect, there's a general level of jank (sometimes in a not fun way) and boss fights are for sure the weakest part. Also upgrades are dished out waaay too slowly and there's plenty of filler ones, also no remappable controls is LUDICROUS for modern day gaming like come on (also important to note I played the post patches version of this game that fixed many things so day 1 players understandably won't like it as much).

all in all though, this games fucking SICK, you're probably LAME if you don't like it #GUNGRAVEGORESWEEP

genuinelt had no problem with difficulty in the game, I HESITATE to say skill issue... HOWEVER...