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Zero charm.
Generic characters.
Gaudy overuse of particle effects.
Makoto still not fixed.
Jin severely nerfed. (why?? Is it so wrong that playing as him was fun??) (Also, if he's not with the Librarium anymore then why is he still wearing his uniform? Show me him in tattered Jedi robes or something.)

Ragna is great, though, isn't he? Be all like "Tch!" and "Whatever!" and "You bitch!". What a deep, original, and likeable protagonist! (And I know he's the protagonist, because the game says so.)

EDIT: Added a star bc Makoto is great. Such a unique and fun mechanic. It's a wonder why there aren't more characters like this in fighting games that come with their own UI elements. As for why I was hung up on the size and location of her meter before, I was playing the PSP version, so maybe that's why. On the Vita's bigger screen/resolution it's not so bad. (And in general the timing comes more naturally to me the more I play. Well, aside from her supers- Those definitely still require looking down.) I just wish the game offered more to do. There's arcade mode, and everything else is more of the same, only harder. (and if arcade mode lets me increase the difficulty then why even bother with the other modes..) Abyss mode still does this annoying thing where it interrupts the fight with "here comes a new challenger" every so often. It seems to only happen after I deal a certain amount of damage, so there IS some point to playing out that fight (as opposed to it being a meaningless fight that's going to get inerrupted anyway, as was the case in a previous installment), but it's still kind of off putting.