The first few hours of this game were an absolute disappointment to me.
I saw nothing of the beta and i was specting something more innovative like sekiro, BUT THIS GAME IS DARK SOULS 4.
After i interiorized this idea and cleared my initial expectations, this game is the peak of the Dark Souls mechanics, it just doesnt get better than this. Its as polish as it gets, feels better than ever, INSANE amount of variety not only in weapons but the ashes of wars puts a complete level of customization that is great, the amount of magic and miracles is amazing. Overall i think this is the peak of what a Dark Souls can be, and puts From Soft in a position when the next game HAS to be innovative just because the formula is pushed to its absolute limits in this game and is executed the best way possible.
The only twist over the DS formula the game has is its open world, and i think there is no better way to put this than: is the only open world in a videogame that can be compared to the world of BOTW. The density of dungeons, caves and places of intrest I think is near perfection. The map is HUGE and yet is insanely DENSE. Ive played for over 100h at this point and i still havent found everything and ive never experienced yet an area that felt empty. The only downfall due to the world being so open is that bosses doesnt scale with you (thank god) and that can make u face bossfights (that are thought for early game) overleveled and that just ruins the fight completely.
And as a quick little note, Ive heard a lot that this is the easyest souls game, and i very much disagree, this is the easyest souls game to break tho, the open world makes it so u can just run the overworld and access items ment for later in the game on a regular playthrough but the difficult on the bosses on the game is really competent.

I really cant put into words how i feel about this game.
I think its an ABSOULTE MASTERPIECE of immersion and surrealism in the game space.
Its one of the most unique games ever, there is nothing quite like it and in my case i genuinely consider it a point of inflection in my life and it forever changed the way i experience videogames.
Just give it a try, what can go wrong?

This is and open world game, the best one, only comparable really to the newly realesed Elden Ring (5 years later) when it comes to the open world aspect.
Still this is no perfect game, by any means. The camera is annoyingly wacky, the combat system is waay to simple and easy to exploit, the weapon duration system could have been implemented better. The way the story develops is simple, u go to a main town, the divine beast threats with no real danger in most cases, u do a task that connects u to the hero of the area and u clear the divine beast, repeat 4 times and then fight ganon.
But the thing is, that analyzing BOTW this way doesnt work, because i think this is the best example ever of a game being better than the sum of its individual parts.
This particular combination of systems, the non linear way of completing the story (including the remembers by going to the places of the photos in ur slate that i think has the BEST story content in any Zelda game ever), the progression by completing the small dungeons shrines, the fact that u can climb basically EVERY wall in the world, the cooking, shield surfing, horse taming,... BOTW has so many systems that complement the open world that it elevates the game to what it is considered now as the standard of greatness when it comes to open world.
But its not only all the systems and mechanics that makes the world great, the world itself is AMAZING.
Crazy dense. The feeling of wonder it makes u feel is like no other in any game ive played. The most enjoyment ive got from the game was just from looking and seeing an instresting place in the distance and saying to myself, i want to go there and then being able to go there and not just that, but being rewarded for doing so is one of the best feelings ive had while playing a videogame ever.
This game came to me in a time where i had lost illusion in videogames, and it brought to me the feeling of playing like a kid again, wondering around and just enyoing sooooo much almost everything the game has to offer that i think this is a game that everyone should play.

The first few hours of this game were an absolute disappointment to me.
I saw nothing of the beta and i was specting something more innovative like sekiro, BUT THIS GAME IS DARK SOULS 4.
After i interiorized this idea and cleared my initial expectations, this game is the peak of the Dark Souls mechanics, it just doesnt get better than this. Its as polish as it gets, feels better than ever, INSANE amount of variety not only in weapons but the ashes of wars puts a complete level of customization that is great, the amount of magic and miracles is amazing. Overall i think this is the peak of what a Dark Souls can be, and puts From Soft in a position when the next game HAS to be innovative just because the formula is pushed to its absolute limits in this game and is executed the best way possible.
The only twist over the DS formula the game has is its open world, and i think there is no better way to put this than: is the only open world in a videogame that can be compared to the world of BOTW. The density of dungeons, caves and places of intrest I think is near perfection. The map is HUGE and yet is insanely DENSE. Ive played for over 100h at this point and i still havent found everything and ive never experienced yet an area that felt empty. The only downfall due to the world being so open is that bosses doesnt scale with you (thank god) and that can make u face bossfights (that are thought for early game) overleveled and that just ruins the fight completely.
And as a quick little note, Ive heard a lot that this is the easyest souls game, and i very much disagree, this is the easyest souls game to break tho, the open world makes it so u can just run the overworld and access items ment for later in the game on a regular playthrough but the difficult on the bosses on the game is really competent.

This game has the best dialogue in any videogame ever, and saying that a big chunk of said incredible dialogue are conversations whith ur own consciousness speaks for itself.
This is an RPG without one of the most basic systems of traditional RPG's: There is no combat in this game.
So by just saying that i think this is a game everyone should try.
The dialogue is so dense, well written and feel so organic and real that its makes u, the real player, actually contemplate and rethink a lot of ur own opinions and constructed thoughts.
A very heavy aspect in this game are polytics. The developers are openly communists and its a big point in the plot, not in the sense of devs trying to indoctrinate the player into extreme left, but more of a real exposition of its pros, cons and its execution in reality, away from the american depiction of comunism westerners are used to, besides the game letting the player chose their own postion on the polytical spectrum.
Another important factor of this game is the way the traditional RPG perks are implemented. In this game, the way u create ur caracter is not generic. What would be ur clasic strenght, agility, inteligente, etc, in this game are aspects of ur consciousness such as Empathy, Conceptualization and Rhetoric and then some more "physical" like Pain Threshold or Hand/Eye Coordination so that u shape an individual, instead of classes like Warrior or Rogue, u can create someone absort by their imagination that gets completly distracted from the real world by his own thoughts or a cold hearted detective that only knows logic and facts. These are extreme examples, what i mean is that the character creation is way more subtle and complex, like an actual person, not an archtype and allows for almost everyone to be reflected on the character if they want to.

I have extreme mixed feelings about this game basically because i met what are today my best friends thanks to siege.
This is a game that used to be a Tactical Shooter game with elements of Hero Shooter having specific characters with distinct gadgets like a sledgehammer, a drone jammer, a laser wire trap or a missile launcher. Another big aspect of this game is environment destruction, the different maps of this game have a big portion of destructible walls, floors an ceilings that allow for some very creative lines of vision wich adds another level of complexity to the tactical aspect of the game. And like any online PvP game, playing with friends, specially if we all know what we are doing is extremly fun. Having ur group of friends laid out like a tactical team with everyone having their role and giving calls of enemies and feeling like an ancual anti terrorist unit was a lot fun.
But nowdays this game is far from that in my opinion.
The technical aspect of ambient destruction still the same, but nowdays the game is the oposit of what it used to be, now is a Hero Shooter with some Tactical elements to it. Nowdays its more important the gadget ur agent has than the rest of its loadout. The game also used to be somewhat realistic and now the gadgets in the game are creating moving holograms, healing turrets and some kind of kunai that u throw and creates a solid barrier around it???? it doesnt even makes sense.
The point is, that: the game being taken into the wrong direction in my opinion just burnt me and my friends out of the game to the point that nowdays we dont see any sort of scenario when we will play the game again