It's fucking hilarious how often Daisy says "Hi I'm Daisy!" in this game

Just an incredibly solid racing and party game, it's not like a masterpiece that deserves all of the praise in the world but it's perfect for what it sets out to be.

Dear god I am nostalgia blind as fuck but I don't even care I love this game so so much. More than the almost universally agreed upon better sequel, even. Who charming ass creation


Hehe silly! Kitty are silly and so this game is silly too :)

Probably the best non-puzzle NES game. That being said, it was still made in the 80's.

Considering the fact that this is DLC that isn't even finished yet and so far has fluctuated in quality, I'm not sure how confident I am in reviewing this. However, the effort put into these DLC courses when compared to the Nitro and even Retro tracks from 8 is pathetic, and while being ports from a phone game isn't inheritly bad, they don't polish them up enough for me to think this is a well made DLC. However, more tracks is super great of course and they've mostly picked good ones so far so I'll let this slide with an okay review. Might change it later though.

Can't say I'm in love with it but this goes way harder than it has any right to

It's pretty decent for a joke game

I mean it's literally just more Cuphead you can't go wrong with that. In fact I'd say basically everything this DLC has to offer is an improvement upon the base game