Huge waste of potential for what might be one of best tower defence game. This game badly require many QOL features such as Speed Options and Ability to buy multiple upgrades that could polish it and put it up there but the Devs seem to be done with it now and this won't be receiving any more updates.

This game doesn't have quick save and this isn't a big issue in most roguelike games but games of rogue tower can go on for 40-60 minutes and if you can't quit at any point if you don't want to lose your progress. This along with lack of speed options make it very frustrating.

Still quite fun and tower variety is really enjoyable but big issues bring it down

If you're familiar with Kairosoft, you know what you'll be getting. Your job is to run a basketball club which you do by managing your team and building stores and amenities near your basketball court to earn money.

If you're looking for in-depth basketball management, this game is not for you. You can vaguely suggest to your players what to do, but that's the extent of how you can directly control them.

This game is really relaxing and simple at the start, but as you get closer to the end, it becomes grindy and keeps dragging on. The difficulty spike in later tournaments was ridiculous, and the only way for me to tackle them was to upgrade the players so they could obtain really high stats. It's not a difficult task, just very time-consuming.

Overall, I still recommend this game, but there are way more enjoyable Kairosoft games out there.

It was alright.

The maps in this game are massive and hints aren't always helpful so it can be really difficult and tedious to figure out where to look for hidden folks. Finding some folks requires you to interact with background elements which can be fun but what you can and can't interact isn't always obvious. so you might be clicking all over the map to see what sticks and what doesn't.

Smaller maps is where it shines the most, they always have some clever puzzle going on which feels rewarding to figure out. There weren't as many of them as big maps but they smaller ones were easily the highlight for me.

With better hint system this could have been really fun but it ended up being decent enough.

Despite being released this game is honestly still in Beta. It's still missing game modes and maps that were shown on the first trailer for this game(ar_baggage and train). This game being in beta wouldn't be big deal if valve didn't remove CSGO completely, now I can't play many of the game modes that I loved and had fun with because CS2 still does not have them. I would have loved to participate in open beta and help valve with feedback and reports if they had gone for that instead of forced beta.

CS2 by itself feels pretty good to play, I like the new sound design. For some magical reason the performance I'm getting is even better than CSGO on many of maps which is amazing. New maps look gorgeous as well, I particularly like the aesthetics for new Inferno. It's too early for me to say how the issue with cheaters is but the new Premier Game mode is an exciting addition.

Overall I have such mixed feelings about this, I'm enjoying CS2 but I feel disappointed that this game straight up replaced CSGO.

This game is more like an experience that one should have at least one.

This is no doubt my favorite clicker of all time. It's a clicker with British humor, a beginning and an end. It's relatively short and engaging so I strongly recommend it.