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2 days

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June 21, 2023

First played

June 19, 2023

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Now this, this is where this series started flourish.

Super Metroid is a fantastic game, the mood and atmosphere is top notch, the gameplay is a little bit clunky at first but is very satisfying once you get the hang of it, the bosses are great, the wordless storytelling is spectacular, it’s all around a great package.
I want to talk about the final boss, I thought this shit was just gonna be a repeat of Metroid 1’s final boss, but then mother brain turned into that weird giant mech body thing, shit had me blown away.
I also love how this battle is almost basically like a cinematic, you get stunned once you deal enough damage and mother brain is about to finish you off, then the big baby Metroid comes in last second and saves you, which i feel really pays off what they set up with the baby in Metroid II, but sadly mother brain kills the baby, but no before it gives samus some superpowers, THEN YOU FUCKING GO BALLISTIC ON MOTHER BRAIN, it’s such a satisfying payoff, and a nice way to end the game.

Now the question is, do I think this is the best in the series, and the answer is a solid I don’t know, personally I think the controls hold it back a little, cause I mean, it’s never reaching them Dread controls, and while this game has fantastic atmosphere and a great soundtrack, wouldn’t say it’s as good as Metroid Prime in that regard, still though, I need some time to think about it and just mull it over.

Also here’s something kinda odd, why is it that Mario, Zelda, and Metroid have kinda the same pattern with their first three entries, think about it
Super Mario Bros 1 established a foundation for what the franchise is, Super Mario Bros 2 is that weird middle child which is liked by some but ignored by others, and then Super Mario Bros 3 is considered a masterpiece by many and established almost every single thing this franchise is known for.
The Legend of Zelda established a foundation for the franchise, Zelda II was that weird middle child that some appreciate but others ignored, and A Link to the Past is considered a masterpiece by many that established almost everything the franchise is known for.
Metroid 1 established a foundation for the series, Metroid II is that weird middle child that some appreciate while others ignore it, and Super Metroid is considered a masterpiece by many that established a lot of what this series is known for.
It’s kinda cool that all these Nintendo franchises basically started out and grew up the same.

Alright, next is Fusion