Fine continuation of the DLC story that isn't as neatly made as the first part but enriches the overall game quite nicely.
+ more long-term content with grindable missions and an even larger pool of new Pokémon
+ refreshingly challenging double matchups as default
+ natural conclusion to the previously unfinished narrative
- uninvolved legendary that comes out of nowhere at the end
- less appealing main map

Decent expansion that offers more of the same content in a smaller package.
+ sweet character-driven plot involving a cute legendary
+ pretty new map with slightly interesting lore
+ sizable number of older Pokémon added
- very little improvement to the technical issues

Technically refined but really bland stage-based action gacha game.
+ satisfying 3rd person shooter gameplay with abilities and character switching for sufficient depth
+ nice and fitting electronic soundtrack
+ clean visual style with competently made assets
+ very functional albeit unoriginal UI
+ good PC controls
- generically cute girls who don't stand out at all
- unremarkable mini stages and repetitive enemy spawns
- unexciting visual-novel-type narrative with serious pacing issues

Ambitious sequel that reaches far greater narrative heights at the expense of gameplay:
+ intriguing large-scale story divided into four distinct parts and told from different, often opposed perspectives
+ brilliant closure to old plot threads along with purposeful new ones
+ solid graphics enhanced by brisk animations
+ several great cutscenes (aside from the iffy voice acting)
- varied but often poorly designed maps with an overabundance of NPCs
- diminished support system lacking proper conversations
- minimal appearances for most of the cast
- generally high and erratic difficulty that switches drastically without warning


Initially awesome open-world exploration game that suffers from overambition but still provides a worthwhile journey.
+ intriguing fantasy desert setting with a lot of alien structures and cultures to discover
+ simple and short story that delivers its theme of finding purpose in freedom excellently
+ unique art style with little to no shading and shifting colors to make for constantly changing impressions
+ light environmental puzzles and decent collectibles strewn about just right to fill the map
+ well-thought-out movement mechanics in climbing, gliding, and driving that are built to fit the world (and not the other way around as is often the case)
- overly restrained soundtrack with a couple amazing songs being hidden in favor of unremarkable ambiance
- clunky physics most noticeable on the essential bike
- terrible performance as well as frequent glitches of all kinds

A simple remaster that lacks many features from the previously released sequels but still constitutes one of the most idyllic farming and life-sim games out there.
+ attractive player housing in a picturesque village that always feels lived-in
+ Raven (and many other fairly one-dimensional but easily lovable characters)
+ straightforward relationship and plot progression without some frustrating issues like in RF4 & RF5
+ satisfying leveling of all skills as is usual in the series
+ neat bonus content ("Newlywed Mode" and "Another Episode") to serve as a playthrough send-off
+/- comparatively basic crafting without hidden variables
- simplistic and very short main story
- small world essentially made up of the main hub and four "dungeons"
- often painful quality of life (tiny inventory initially, only two active skills, no crafting cost display, etc.)

Generally fine remake that has a lot of positive quality-of-life changes but still can't compete with Pokémon Platinum in terms of content.
+ faithful adaptation bringing out nostalgia for the old story and world
+ similarly impressive post-game and side-content
+ HM moves don't need to be taught to be usable
+ fancy world map with a shortcut to Fly
+ fast and good-looking battle animations
+/- divisive graphics overhaul with a mix of chibi and anime art in and outside combat
- practically zero innovation or boldness at display

Decent self-contained adventure that has you explore new locations and do some activities not present in the main game.
+ interesting storyline involving the primary faction of the second act
+ more colorful (if just as linear) environments
+ enjoyable boss fight at the end
+ not perfect but bearable try at a stealth section that can be skipped
- awkwardly comedic dialogue whenever romance is involved
- questionable new main character who sports a suicidal combat AI and is nowhere near as cool as the developers might have wanted her to be

A controversial visual novel with serviceable gameplay and a decent narrative behind it if one can stomach the incredibly perverted writing.
+ great main cast with colorful personalities and memorable character designs
+ straightforward but reasonably engaging and often amusing plot
+ large explorable world map that visualizes the journey's grand scope
+ decent, mostly upbeat soundtrack
- strong tonal whiplashes between the usual bright atmosphere and some abhorrent events
- generally mediocre visuals from low-quality models to inconsistent illustrations
- very basic yet imbalanced turn-based combat that frequently necessitates grinding even when played perfectly
- many gratuitous sex scenes whose inclusion of violence in particular will turn off most people

Divisive new companion who in any case complements the main party with a unique perspective and decent if short storyline.

Thematically dense RPG that offers more than a hundred hours of well-thought-out gameplay loops packaged in a unique way.
+ sublime soundtrack
+ incredibly stylish and snappy animations/camera/UI
+ simple yet polished turn-based combat involving plenty decision-making
+ distinctly themed and beautifully crafted dungeons
+ memorable cast that gives a convincing impression of a teenage clique
+ flawed but ambitious story centered around psychology and politics
+ brilliant final dungeon and antagonist exclusive to the Royal version
+ great variety of rewarding optional content
+ neat playtime segmentation to avoid fatigue for the most part
+ extensive achievement system for multiple playthroughs
- divisive mascot character
- overly powerful DLC that may inadvertently trivialize gameplay
- a few lackluster middle parts that drag on for too long
- many instances of carelessness and stupidity demanding a suspension of disbelief

Passable exploration game that does nothing particularly special but earns a little praise for being technically competent, relaxing, and utilizing the joy of flight.
+ vibrantly atmospheric lighting that elevates the otherwise generic polygonal graphics
+ suitable open world consisting of many sky islands
- fragmented lore and trivial story making it hard to care about progressing
- elementary puzzles and platforming
- several unclear objectives padding out the short playtime (2-4 hours)
- poor soundtrack of mind-numbing ambient noise in caves and aggressively unoriginal music outside
- no emotional high points like similar games have – and a really anticlimactic ending

Very well-made farming RPG with obvious charm and surprising depth.
+ incredibly colorful cast of lovable characters who constantly interact with the player and each other
+ well-designed hub city that exudes liveliness
+ intricate farming and crafting mechanics
+ ubiquitous level-up system rewarding even the most mundane activities
+ decent action combat made great by endless customization options
+ monster taming that even extends to bosses
+ simple but appealing story divided into three parts
+ sweet hour-long bonus content in the "Newlywed Mode" and "Another Episode"
- some practically impossible difficulty spikes without the abuse of hidden mechanics or easy mode
- random nature of town events hindering story or relationship progress for potentially dozens of hours

Straightforward dungeon exploration content that is fun to play as long as one hasn't gotten tired of the combat yet.
+ better environmental design than the main game
+ minor backstory about the protagonist's family
- rehashed — in a worse way — player choice from DAO: Awakening concerning the final antagonist

Exceptionally well-made twin-stick survival shooter that makes great use of the virtual youtuber franchise but isn't dependent on it.
+ large pool of distinctive playable characters who each get their own weapons and abilities
+ colorful presentation with a lot of charming designs
+ challenging levels that gradually approach bullet hell tiers
+ fun item synergies (though not very balanced)
+ catchy if a little monotonous music
+ decent UI apart from minor quality of life issues
+ good amount of long-term content including a whole farming side game
- significant unlockable stat boosts making grinding necessary for success
- very poor performance/optimization compared to similar games