75 Reviews liked by Zerodrag

Giving 5 stars because I enjoyed a majority of this game but recognize the flaws in writing and plot. It feels like a disservice to the first two games rather than a true continuation. Something the marketing and build-up tried to enhance. On its own, it's better than the first two games in a lot of ways. The combat is much more refined, some quests are handled better, and gameplay feels more fluid. However everything takes a dip in the last ≈1/4 of the game where all sense of challenge and thought goes away. The story is confusing in the sense it's not explained to leave room for dlc, the combat turns into chain attack the video game, and I can't speak on how quests develop as I found myself rushing to the end by this point just to end the story. The first 5 chapters are immaculate though and save this game even if the last push is rather boring. Play XCDE for a good Xenoblade game.

Rare giving both versions 5 stars, can't find anything to complain about unlike usual

I removed a star for every feature epic games removed

Only baseball game worth buying

If this released now it'd 100% be a crypto scam with a Bitcoin prize for leaderboard winners

Never losing a bet ever again.

By far the worst "video game" I've ever played, and anyone who claims this game is good needs to reevaluate their life choices.

This season would be a lot better if the "MEGA" buildings weren't glorified elevator shafts, asides from that they introduce some nice changes to the loot pool and map

"oh that's fine I'll fix it later" (it's not fine and I never fix it later)

Somewhat more of a real review now that I've completed the main story (no spoilers). In a lot of ways, this game struggled to separate itself from botw at first. The intro feels weaker, and the story beats came across as knock off versions of the botw stories told. However the new paths this game takes with its story later on, gameplay mechanics, and environment clear botw by a mile making it look like a tech demo in comparison. While managing to not devalue what made botw so special in the first place, coexisting alongside it as the definitive experience.

5/5 when I'm using the broken shit 0/5 when it's used against me

Please spike chunsoft make a 6th game stop making shitty VNs I beg of you

Edit: Finally

I have finally 100%ed this game. I am now a crippling drug addict

La Muerte Del Gobierno is my favorite song