3 reviews liked by Znail



This game is awesome, I have no clue what happened or what it is exactly about but I know it's fire

Charming little game. I love the music and the graphics, I love flying around a world that feels like a second home to me. The grinding and IAP parts can be soul rending and I don't like the fact that the prices keep getting higher, you either spend hours on the game (which I don't have) or you pay.

Either way cosmetics are only a part of the game. I like the social aspect and the friends I've made in-game. The musical part of the game is nice and I do enjoy playing instruments. Seasonal content varies a lot: Season of Aurora was stunning while Remembrance was "meh" at best.

Live events tend to have a cashgrabby vibe but they aren't terrible overall so I like them.

Great experience! I loved both the thrill and the puzzles. The areas went by smoothly and I almost never got stuck. A perfect mix of exploration and survival!