After 45 hours of playing this game, I think I am ready to fully talk about this game. I won't spoil the game here so no worries.

I'll begin with the bad before I go with the good parts. Thankfully, the bad stuff this game does are not inherit fundamental issues with the game that ruin what makes this game's strengths insanely good but they are noticeable enough where an eyebrow can be raised at them.

First things first, the performance. During a lot of my playthrough, the performance especially on performance mode was very choppy at best. It wasn't a huge deal breaker but for a game that they allegedly spent 1 year extra optimising, it does seem very peculiar indeed. However, a new patch dropped on the day of this review so the performance might be fixed now. Take this part with a grain of salt as this was written pre-patch.

Second of all, there is a noticeable lack of RPG elements in this title (except increasing numbers every level up/upgrade) which is lame coming from the franchise that is seen as one of the major big boys of the RPG genre. However, I don't think it's as big of a deal as people make it out to be because the combat system is so good that I feel it makes this issue very negligible to me. However, I do understand if people are scared off this game for this reason.

And then there are also small issues with the narrative of some characters not getting enough spotlight in the story/narrative and one or two aspects of the story that I want to see explained more, but I hope maybe DLC can rectify all of this if it happens. These narrative qualms are not deal breaking enough to ruin what is a fantastic story to me.

Also the level design/dungeon design is very non memorable and basic for a Final Fantasy game. There isn't much incentive for exploration either. However again, the combat is so fun that I don't really get bothered by the level design/lackluster exploration much.

There are other nitpicks I have but those three are my main issues with the game. Now to get onto the good stuff which I have a lot to say on.

Firstly, the music. Masayoshi Soken delivers an outstanding soundtrack with FFXVI (for the record, I never played FFXIV) which varies from beautiful melodies as you journey through Valisthea to incredible battle themes in the major boss fights of this game. Definitely a soundtrack I will be remembering for a while.

The combat in this game is amazing and it gets better overtime with more Eikon abilities and more ways to absolutely obliterate enemies and stagger them. For the record, I love DMC and especially loved V so this really falls in line with my tastes. Again, I wish there were more RPG elements in this system and that there were more basic moves but I feel like after 20 years of Square experimenting with combat systems, they have something in their hands that can be improved, perfected and used to create one of the greatest combat systems a game can offer.

The worldbuilding and the lore in FFXVI is also incredible and made extremely easy to access and follow through the active time lore mechanic. I think other games did this before but FFXVI perfected this mechanic and I hope that every big RPG does this from now on, it's a must have now. Through this mechanic and the intriguing political fantasy that this game presents that involves nations fighting for their own interests through wars, this game immersed me in this world unlike any game these past few years.

Finally the story and characters are great (for the most part). Clive is an incredible protagonist who undergoes many trials and tribulations that develop him and his perception of the world and make him an extremely compelling yet humanly flawed character to follow. This, the highly intriguing political fantasy and the great worldbuilding makes this story great from beginning to the end to me. But what is a great story without great characters? Besides Clive, you have so many likable characters in this game from Jill to Cid to Gav and many more I can't really talk about without spoiling the game. It's very rare that I would care for the supporting casts of this game but FFXVI did make me care which is a strong bonus.

Finally since this review is getting a bit too long for my liking. The Eikon fights are some of the best boss fights I've ever fought in a video game. Two of them made my jaw drop because they are actually so batshit insane it's crazy. Makes Asura's Wrath look like Leap Frog in comparison.

There are probably more things I can praise this game but this review is getting too long so I'll finish it off here. Final Fantasy games were once considered generational, iconic experiences that were lauded all over by people that played them. For the past few years, I think Square has struggled to replicate what made the old games so special. The beautiful set pieces, the great music, emotional and captivating storytelling and iconic battles/events. I don't think the older games were perfect but they were special. I think Yoshi-P and CBU3 have managed to recapture for the most part that old identity the series once had while bringing it to new areas. FFXVI will probably be one of the most divisive games in the series I imagine due to how it deviates from the formula, but I think it sits well in the podium of the great FF games personally.

Won't bother giving this one a long review or anything.

I like how faithful this game is to the Peter Jackson films, the Sauron campaign is pretty kino overall and it is cool to slay thousands of orcs.

That is where the praise about this game ends though, the gameplay feels so clunky and stiff to control, the graphics are actually dogshit for a mid gen PS3 game (remember that games like MGS4 came out at this point), the mechanics are not deep in the slightest. It's just a poor man's version of a LOTR Battlefront 2.

If they made a second Conquest game, it would have been awesome though. A shame really.

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This 20+ hour expansion for the 2022 JRPG title definitely delivers a big bank for your buck with a lot of content included and a lot of nods to past entries that reward people who played the previous games.

I think this is probably my favourite cast overall in the series with everyone being great characters in terms of writing, chemistry and personality. The affinity mechanic and collectopedia/encyclopedia are fantastic QOL changes that make the experience way better.

The story and the lore dumps in this are so insane if you played the previous entries and even if you played Xenosaga. Some elements of the story recontextualises elements of the past games like how Alvis was created from Klaus' regret for example.

Overall, fantastic wrapup to a saga that I will be thinking about for a long time. This is not the end though for these characters and this canonicity for the future of the series awaits...

When rumors of this game started to appear, I was thinking to myself about how the hell would they remake this game without sacrificing much of what the original game did so incredibly well. After the RE3 remake, myself and many other people were also sceptical. I am happy to say that after playing the remake coming off the original not too long ago, the remake not only manages to preserve most of what made the original great, but somehow improves on it even further.

The gameplay is modernised with Leon being more fluid then ever. He also has more gameplay mechanics like parrying and crouching which both add on a lot to combat. The level design is expanded upon to accommodate these gameplay changes and to add a new flavour to previously visited areas. The plot and characters are massively improved with Ashley and Luis being the most notable improvements with them being actual characters.

The game is also generally a really good remake with most places returning and being revamped, still not as good as the RE1 remake in terms of how faithful they were to the original as there are omissions, but without a doubt they did the best job here out of all of the REmakes so far.

In terms of problems of this game, there are very few problems I think. I feel like some of the soul has been lost in terms of its goofiness (the Leon quips are just as good) with the remake being more serious, but this is a minor complaint especially with what they have improved in compensation.

Overall, triumphant game and a very good remake all round. I like the original slightly better but this is a must recommend for everyone.

There is a reason why this game is considered one of the greatest games of all time. The gameplay in this game is insanely fun with you mowing down and kicking Ganados with a vast arsenal of weapons at your disposal. This is bolstered by the insanely strong level design of this game and the hard to get used to but tight controls.

The story is not that great and characters that should have better explanations and motivations like Luis or Saddler just don't have them but it's more of a B-tier action movie so there is a lot of charm from the dialogue and the over the top nature of the game, which makes up for the plot being barren. Ashley is also not fun this game (unlike the remake which makes her good) but that is about all of the major problems I have with the game.

The game is a crowning jewel of video games that aged super well all things considered. A true classic of gaming that everyone must play.

This game cured my clinical depression. I feel like I have achieved nirvana after 50 years of living in Mao's China. I love China. I love Xi Jinping. 10/10 game