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October 18, 2023

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"I desperately wish for an AC II back. A city with linear missions."
That was one of the many sentences in my Valhalla Review. Since then, a lot has happened in the AC universe. I have to admit, I had a little bit of anticipation for Mirage. Something that no AC game has been able to wrest from me for a long time. But Ubisoft, at least in this game, seemed to finally hear the shouts of the fans, which have now become SCREAMS.

But at the same time they announce how many? no idea anyway way too many new games. I could not take anything more than a tired smile and a spirited eye-rolling. However, Mirage at least sounded exciting. So let's dive in.

I have to say, I definitely struggled at the beginning. My first action as soon as I was released into the open world was: Hey, there's a chest in a guarded fortress, let's quickly climb over the wall, rush in and get the treasure. As always in the last titles. But I had to realize that I was dead even before I reached the treasure. What the hell?

I tried to remember briefly. Could it be...? OMG Stealth is back, awesome! Next. The map is ... actually manageable and for the first time it's fun to uncover parts of the map with Enkidu and explore them bit by bit. Why? Because there is an end in sight and you are not flooded with pointless loot. Hey, I almost had trouble unlocking all the abilities this time, and not because the tree has endless unnecessary abilities that you hardly notice.
Another point that struck me a lot, because I just didn't notice it.... There are no game breaking bugs. The game is playable! at release! incredible! Was that really so hard Ubisoft?

I also really liked the gimmicks and used them a lot.

I can't forget the pictures and impressions. They've actually become something of a given for me with Ubisoft, although I always have to say, they really have that down. The atmosphere, the images, the music, the immersion in the world.

Ah yes and another great thing. After not even 30 hours I was 100% through and you know what? That was absolutely enough. Just right for me.

After all the praise for Mirage, I also have to mention one or two critical points. The story was okay and the uncovering of clues was fun. However, it was all a bit bland. But at least there was something like assassins.
The biggest point of criticism? The characters are all absolutely uninteresting. Ubisoft can do that much better and they know it themselves.
I don't know exactly, but there's still a lot missing for me. In addition, the whole game somehow had a bad aftertaste because it's not quite clear to me in which direction it will continue. Was this an exception or something like a beta test to see how it would be received. Originally it was "only" a DLC and I think you can really see that.

I am actually the first time in a long time excited about the future.