Cool party game that I connect a lot of memories with my childhood.

FNAF 2 is actually a bit more stressfull than the first one. many new animatronics, so many new ways to be jumpsacared but I liked the first one better. Still I apreciate, that it took a new setting, but the cams are useless.

Very simple concept and master at creating an oppressive and paranoid atmosphere that constantly terrorizes you to the extreme

Yeah, the first game that forced me into new game+ for the platinum bcecuase... well I don't know I never cared for trophies. But this is just a very great game and it is short enough to do it.

Memorable characters, stunning animation cool combat, interesting story...
Well you can't do much wrong when the predecessor was already a hit, and yeah, you get more of what made marvel's spider-man so great

It really took me nearly 3 years before I touched this series. I remembered that I was hugely dissapointed and I said sth like cheap copy of Tomb Raider.

This has definitely chaned now. Nate has received a soul. As well as Uncharted. It still is similar and you can see where it comes from but this was a huge improvement and I begin to understand, where Uncharted's reputation comes from.

Of cours also this game has it's flaws. For me, there was too much shooting and those fights where really long sometime. But movement, climbing, jumping all felt really fluid. Surely hyped for part 3

for the review look at the other version.
Here I will review the two dlc + epilogue

After Home was finally... i mean FiNaLlY able to connect with Gen 9 I could move on. DLC 1 was ... cute I guess. Little story with strange boi Jo. Felt kinda cool and brought fresh air. Also we have a story for a pokemon again. DLC2
Dude Jo escalated quickly. Am I an asshole when I say I had fun destroying him as a champ? DLC2 was much fighting based and actually ... a challange? I Guess? Would have been if I would not have grinded so hard before? hmm..

I did not like the epilogue. Neither the pokemon.

Is there really anyone who has mastered this thing. I feel like for a GBC game this was ... loooooong.
And not in a good way. To visit the same levels over and over again with new power ups and new segments to investigate this got boring pretty fast. Also it was often hard to progress for not knowing where to go next. Thank god there was the temple statue but sometimes this didn't really help.

Also Wario can't die and collecting coins felt like a waste of time. I had 999 coins for ... uhm... the whole time I think?

Points for level design, boss fights and the want for progress. But I was happy when I finally beat this thing and was able to move on

Yeah this is gonna be difficult to review. It seems like a lot of people like this one and I can confirm this in a lot of points. But not in all of them. Artwortk, music, dungeons, boss fights, gadgets is all the things I would point out to be very great.

But I really did not like the wind system. And for me sailing over the ocean was also very tiering. The monsters on the sea were annoying because fighting them was very badly done. Why you have to stop to fire. And for changing direction you have to play a lil song and turn the wind. I hread this system was much improved in the HD version which I am looking foreward to.
Also the controls felt a bit clunky and unresponsive. Link did often not do what I intended him to do. But thits might also be a bit the mark of time.

It sure was innovativ but for me far from being perfect.

Another solid DK Land port. It was a bit shorter than the previous but still a good time for a little time out. Not too easy, not too challanging

Super Mario 2D goes on DS. Mario has two new forms, mini and maxi shroom. Maxi was quite fun, but i did not like mini. Also there were no new powers, only the fire flower survived, which is a downgrade. Leveldesign is nothing new and the time of gameplay is also not too long.

What shall I say? I mean, it's Mario, it's okay. But it really is nothing outstanding

"I desperately wish for an AC II back. A city with linear missions."
That was one of the many sentences in my Valhalla Review. Since then, a lot has happened in the AC universe. I have to admit, I had a little bit of anticipation for Mirage. Something that no AC game has been able to wrest from me for a long time. But Ubisoft, at least in this game, seemed to finally hear the shouts of the fans, which have now become SCREAMS.

But at the same time they announce how many? no idea anyway way too many new games. I could not take anything more than a tired smile and a spirited eye-rolling. However, Mirage at least sounded exciting. So let's dive in.

I have to say, I definitely struggled at the beginning. My first action as soon as I was released into the open world was: Hey, there's a chest in a guarded fortress, let's quickly climb over the wall, rush in and get the treasure. As always in the last titles. But I had to realize that I was dead even before I reached the treasure. What the hell?

I tried to remember briefly. Could it be...? OMG Stealth is back, awesome! Next. The map is ... actually manageable and for the first time it's fun to uncover parts of the map with Enkidu and explore them bit by bit. Why? Because there is an end in sight and you are not flooded with pointless loot. Hey, I almost had trouble unlocking all the abilities this time, and not because the tree has endless unnecessary abilities that you hardly notice.
Another point that struck me a lot, because I just didn't notice it.... There are no game breaking bugs. The game is playable! at release! incredible! Was that really so hard Ubisoft?

I also really liked the gimmicks and used them a lot.

I can't forget the pictures and impressions. They've actually become something of a given for me with Ubisoft, although I always have to say, they really have that down. The atmosphere, the images, the music, the immersion in the world.

Ah yes and another great thing. After not even 30 hours I was 100% through and you know what? That was absolutely enough. Just right for me.

After all the praise for Mirage, I also have to mention one or two critical points. The story was okay and the uncovering of clues was fun. However, it was all a bit bland. But at least there was something like assassins.
The biggest point of criticism? The characters are all absolutely uninteresting. Ubisoft can do that much better and they know it themselves.
I don't know exactly, but there's still a lot missing for me. In addition, the whole game somehow had a bad aftertaste because it's not quite clear to me in which direction it will continue. Was this an exception or something like a beta test to see how it would be received. Originally it was "only" a DLC and I think you can really see that.

I am actually the first time in a long time excited about the future.

Fun j&r game that marks a good challange. always nice to play some levels before going to bed :)

Dark Souls 3 is another challanging experience with a lot of great bosses and some new mechanics. I like a lot of what the game has to offer.

This game is fun, I mean usually I feel bad when I do something bad in video games but GTA is different.

Kratos really went through some tough times. The hate and the thirst for revenge leads him hacking and slashing through the levels, never stopped by something like a conscience.

In this game he did some really brutal kills and also some hair raising choices but it really seems like his mind doesn't leave him any choice.

Story is great as always and also the gameplay was cool. Classic Hack and Slash with good combos and rewards. Rushed through in just 2 days