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aarvee is now playing Elden Ring

1 hr ago

7 days ago

aarvee is now playing Hades II

7 days ago

aarvee finished Hades
"completed" this masterpiece for the zillionth time in anticipation of Hades II. after 200 hours I'm ready for new characters, stories and locations. especially that third one because as much as I love this game, those four and a half regions really do get repetitive after a while.

11 days ago

aarvee finished Amnesia: The Bunker
As someone who's generally played Frictionals games for the storytelling and atmosphere, The Bunkers increased focus on gameplay/mechanics driven horror didn't immediately draw me in. There's a reason why A Machine for Pigs is my favorite Amnesia game. It gives me the illusion of being in danger without actually putting me in any and it does that while telling a really engrossing story which this game lacks.

On the other hand though, it's heavily inspired by Alien Isolation which is possibly my favorite horror game of all time. It doesn't quite reach the highs of Alien Isolation and lacks the visual fidelity and level variety of that game as well but I enjoyed it anyway.

14 days ago

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