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Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
Fear & Hunger 2: Termina

Jul 07

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Only play this game if you're capable of digesting its grim subject matter, which is used to buildup an intense atmosphere.

What's the most you've ever lost on a coin toss? Most likely very little if anything at all. However in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina; which I am going to simply refer to as 'Termina' from now on, this is a fundamental gameplay mechanic. The difference between life and death can be as simple as picking between heads or tails.

Termina differs from other RPGs by giving the player unchecked freedom to do whatever they want and progress by figuring out things themselves. You don't have to figure out everything yourself but a lot of the game is taught from reloading your last save after dying. Death lurks at every corner and it is your job to figure out how to avoid or overpower the challenges ahead.

This can lead to occasional halts in progress during your first playthrough if you don't actively try different routes or decisions throughout the same areas. You shouldn't think of dying or losing progress as a detriment. Learning by making mistakes is heavily rewarded as if you don't try different routes or strategies you wont get very far.

There is no level up mechanic but every character has base stats which you can upgrade by putting on gear and applying status effects. The only stat you level up in Termia is your own understanding of the game as each time you learn something new the game becomes easier.

This leads to the game feeling very grounded and forces you to play with the cards given to you, every character in the game can become extremely powerful if you know how to use their skills properly.

The skill tree leaves little to be desired, but obtaining the resource required to unlock skills, to me i felt could've been extremely difficult to figure out if i didn't already have it in my inventory.

The game is structured in a way that I want to replay it over and over again until I've done everything there is to do, having to play the game in an entirely different way with another character makes the game feel fresh and exciting.

The final boss to one of the endings felt extremely boring however, I've never been a fan of endurance checks (as I like to call it) where i have to stay alive for several or so of minutes with little to no challenge presented. Compared to the other bosses it was extremely linear and simple.

Even as I give this game a near perfect score, it is still getting updates and there will be more content for me to discover. Thank you Miro Haverinen for the incredible experience.