Control 2019

Log Status







Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 31, 2024

First played

January 7, 2024

Platforms Played


a game of all time, i fear. it was literally seconds into the game that i remembered how much better the game feel is than any other remedy game prior. the tone is immaculate, the visuals are gorgeous, the ebb and flow of the combat is almost always engaging. my first time playing through either of the DLCs and was really struck by how effective they were at both of their jobs - when i was playing the foundation i was thinking about how i was supposed to be psyching myself up for alan wake 2 but was getting more excited for control 2, and then i played awe.... and i can't wait to dive in later this week. the foundation was a little dull gameplay wise but awe really hit all the notes i want, i found the third thing genuinely scary throughout.