1 review liked by akumaeditor

Review in Progress.

I'm on chapter 7 and the game is pretty much one of the best Soulslike that I've played, I dare to say that is even better than Elden Ring and Demon's Souls. Well, let's start the review properly.

The beginning is very easy, the game just teaches you how to do everything, from blocking and parrying to dealing damage and backstab. The first boss is the easiest, of course, but comparing to games like Elden Ring and Dark Souls 3 where is hard for the player to beat while at level one, Lies of P first boss is just too easy. In fact, it reminds me of the Phalanx on Demon's Souls, the boss that the player can beat just by throwing fire bombs.

After you've done everything you're going to Hotel Krat, where'll find the "firekeeper" Sophia, and the residents of the Hotel. The story so far is pretty simple, you're a puppet with a heart, you hear a voice from a woman calling and you have to meet her (Sophia), after this the task is to find Geppetto, the creator of P (the protagonist) and kinda save the city from the Puppet Frenzy. Puppet Frenzy is basically all machines gone crazy and are destroying everything, so it's up to you to fix everything and beat the Puppet King, the enemy who's controlling all machines.

Speaking about boss fights, the hardest so far has been the Archbishop Andreus, it has two parts and you're dealing with a boss with two faces, one uses heavy and slow attacks and the other one uses quick attacks. The best boss fight so far was the White Lady, it's a mix of hard hitting and very fast attacks, but the Black Rabbit Brotherhood is a honorable mention due to it's "4 against 1" style. Btw the possibility to break small enemies weapon is AMAZING, a lot of times I wondered how many parries it would take to break the enemy sword.

About combat mechanics. The parry is very good, the perfect parry is awesome. The game rewards players who can time and perfect parry consistently, and you might be asking which reward? Basically you can perfect parry enemies until they enter the stagger point, after they're staggered you can hit them with a heavy attack to stun and hit them with a fatal attack, the other reward is breaking their weapon, which reduces the range of the hitbox. Also, your weapons have durability and you have to repair with P's special arm, if not repaired the weapon deal less damage.

The story aspect is well explained, with markers to show which quests you can finish and plenty books and pamphlets to read and get to know the story. I consider this a good feature comparing to other Soulslike where the game doesn't tell the story clearly.

The only bad aspect of the game is dodging, the dodge is slow and useful in very specific situations.

I will come back after finishing the game to continue the review.