This fun children’s game for kids to play makes me want to kill myself

this game is very hard but I love the concept. I’m a little bitch boy that can 100% “hard” games like Celeste where it all clicks but this game is actually bullshit. Fuck you Nintendo.

Is this game worth one hour of minimum wage? Probably not. Can it be rewarding if you sink time into learning the game’s physics, momentum, and advanced controls/moves? Possibly. Does this game make me want to do that? No not really.

This feels more like some free flash game than a game that’s $15, and the overwhelmingly positive response to the game has kind of puzzled me. It’s still in early access, but all the game is are these three basic and small maps for you to run and jump in. Not much more. I’m sure if you wanted to, you could become and expert at this and the game would become much more satisfying, but I’m not willing to waste hours of my life running around bland and boring maps with awkward controls to get there.

Really nice and solid "boomer shooter" (if you must use that term). I constantly shit bricks while playing.

I've always loved tycoon type games. The reward of upgrading machines for the rise of virtual money has always intrigued me. So when Slime Rancher came out in 2016, I immediately bought the concept and played it. I had a ton of fun with the game, but I fell out of it and only played it for a few weeks with 20 hours total. I had just stumbled upon the sequel and chose to pick it up since it's that game I had enjoyed 7 years prior. I immediately relapsed into the world of slime ranching and tycooning. This game is everything I possibly needed. It's that same tycoon format I had played many times over, but now with immense depth and exploration that is unlike any other game in its genre. It's an incredibly rewarding game. I love finding new types of slimes, bringing them back to my ranch, crossing them with other types to build amalgamations, and feed them to watch the profits rake in. I strongly recommend this game to anyone, even though it's still technically in early access. (8.5/10)

Love this game so much. It sucks and it's impossible to move even a thrid through the game without a literal game breaking bug. It's really awesome.

Easily one of the worst games I've ever played.

Nice uncompromised version of F Zero. Kind of strange that the series never got any more portable versions past the GBA, since this game works perfectly on there. Still pretty difficult, and the pick up and play missions are perfect for the form factor.

I knew what I was in for, but man was I excited to play this game. I've always been a SpongeBob guy. I spent the entirety of my childhood roaming SpongeBob forums and communities. I know everything there is to possibly know about this franchise, so I feel like I'm pretty qualified to play this children's game.

It's a solid platformer, but despite the backdrop, it really doesn't feel like I'm in the world of SpongeBob. And when that's taken away from it, there's nothing that separates in from your average mobile-tier 3d platformer.

It's not bad, and there's definitely love there, but honest to God it feels like a reskinned game with SpongeBob and Bikini Bottom models. But it is pretty boring at times. It's extremely linear. Beat up five new enemies. Kick down the wall. Beat up five enemies.

Going into this, I was definitely not expecting anything above a 7/10, but it is kind of disappointing regardless.

There’s something wrong with my game. I keep shooting the police but they’re taking away points from me

The only Tetris game with a name that refers to the nazis