Closest thing to an interactive [adultswim] show I've ever seen. Wonderfully charming, witty and fun. Felt like I was writing the script while playing, which is the most you can ask for in a choose-your-own adventure.

Once you get into a “flow state” with Armored Core 6 it’s hard to pick up anything else. Going from clumsily finishing the tutorial helicopter fight to being able to S-Rank missions handily is an evolution I’ve rarely seen in any other game. AC6 is a masterclass at teaching systems and combos without saying a word about them.

The difference in AC6 from “Dark Souls” hard is the player is never locked into a specific strategy or build. Every “sortie” gives the player a new opportunity to change tactics, rebuild themselves to tackle an evolving combat scenario. Adding checkpoints before boss encounters to tune builds is genius for player experience and stopping them from hitting a brick wall in difficulty. The cleaner boss, which has a vulnerable part on the head but can easily block shots, or the smokestack on top that is unprotected. So the player is expected to modify the build for a tetrapod flying AC with direct fire weapons to get sustained fire on the smokestack. An amazing system that encourages exploration of play style and switching tactics.

The narrative and character building in AC6 deserves more praise. It really doesn’t click until you see the other paths, but stories of betrayal, emancipation, greed, genocide and the meaning of intelligent life all intermingle in a fascinating narrative. Handler Walter, one of the main characters who whispers in your ear what to do, goes from treating you like a “hound” to in one of his last acts begs you to find your freedom and protect your friends.

I expect in 10 years, when people mention 2023 in “best gaming year” lists, that Armored Core 6 will be seen as one of the best in a standout year.

I need the CW to go all out and make a five season adaptation of this. I know in my bones that it could make one of the greatest adaptations in history. Each episode like "Skins" focusing on one characters story, overlapping narrative, flash forwards and flashbacks. It would be beautiful.

Starts off strong, encounters are tough and waves really test how how I could utilize all the weapons and abilities available. Typical Warhammer mellowdrama dialogue plods along, but combat kept me coming back for more. Steady upgrades and changes to combat while adding enemies or increasing odds against me was great.

After a while, you begin to "get it." You can tell they start to lose creativity with the encounters and enemy types. Upgrades are just more of existing resources and lack of weapon variety adds to the staleness.

This is a great "turn the brain off" type of game. Really don't have to think too much once systems get into place. Didn't finish, maybe will later this year when the sequel gets a release date but for now just bored with it.

Felt like a charming pop-up book for young adults and people who like to read YA. I like to read YA so it works for me, YMMV. Not engaging or fulfilling in any way, but good junk food level of storytelling and mini-games.