2 reviews liked by anchy21

that's it? that's bioshock infinite? that was just 10 hours of segregation apologism and multiverse slop

Very good, but to be honest I don't think it holds a candle to the original 2.

For starters, the Level design is a step back from the first 2. Sections are also no where near as memorable. In the first 2, you spend a lot more time in each level, but in Infinite, you spend very little time in every area, and I feel like that works against it. It leaves you a lot less immersed, and not being able to get comfortable in an area just isn't great. It's still very good design, just not on the master level of the first 2.

I did like the amount of Music that they took from later musicians and made it sound older. I love the cover of "God Only Knows".

The games art style has aged like fine wine, probably the best look Bioshock. Though I prefer Rapture by a lot, Columbia looks incredible. They did a great job with the colors and lighting in this game.

I feel like they were really pretentious with this story, and especially the ending. If you asked me explain that I'd have no idea where to start. It was really cool to see Rapture again, but it was only for like 2 seconds. Elizabeth being Booker's daughter is a twist that I found kinda dumb, and this whole multiple doors things, I couldn't get into it. Also how is Booker himself and Comstock at the same time? Just some ridiculous stuff. The first 2 games, especially the first, are more simple and smarter stories. Infinite still had a cool and interesting narrative throughout, but it also felt like they were trying way to much. I loved the incredible set pieces though, and the tears that Elizabeth makes are cool as well, but that's all I can say.

Booker DeWitt, to me, was a pretty mediocre protagonist. His dialogue and personality was just so dry to me, he felt like he was trying to say the coolest thing every time he spoke. He didn't seem to have much character to him. Elizabeth is a great companion, but they also sacrificed a lot of gameplay for the player by allowing her to give you Health, Salts, and Ammo. I appreciate the money she gives me, but I want to be able to collect Health and Salts like the previous games.

Speaking of the Gameplay, it was fun. I still think Bioshock 2 has the best in the series, but Infinite was very good. Though I found the powers you had weren't as good or useful as the Previous games, I only used like 2-3 of them. Also, why can I only have 2 guns? Stuff like that, removing things the player can do, sets the game back. I also found the RPG mechanics to be very lacking from the other games. Adam is what is really missing, it was such a crucial part of the first 2, that I think something like it would've been great, but again you spend such little time each area, they wouldn't be allowed to implement something like that properly.

Bioshock is famous for it's villains, and I honestly think Sofia Lamb might be better than Comstock. Not that he's bad, just all the ridiculous stuff they do with him in the story makes me appreciate Sofia a bit more. Comstock is just completely insane, and an absolute monster. No one can top the mastery of Andrew Ryan though.

Although I was disappointed with Infinite, and have my fair share of complaints, I thought it was very good. Gameplay, Music, Art, and a unique narrative, there's a lot of good here, it's just held back by poor choices and dumb mistakes. If you like the Bioshock games, and/or Shooters, I'd recommend Bioshock Infinite.

Score: 3.7/5
Letter Grade: B+