Log Status






Time Played

3h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 7, 2020

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I'm only 3 hours in but so many things are built just to waste time

Puzzles are not smart or difficult if all that's stopping you from finishing it is the controls, precision aiming and time. Some "puzzles" so far have required aiming a certain item down into a tube that's not small when you look at it but the slightest pixel off and you fail. Some "puzzles" require you to travel across multiple rooms trying to find that one MacGuffin that'll open the door and all you're doing is trying to find the blasted thing, not necessarily doing anything as you're doing it. Some "puzzles" make you wait for the platform to move and make you do some platforming challenges but the controls and actions are nowhere near precise enough to make this feel good in any sense. The combat is so barebones even the boss battles are boring without any tension. The metroidvania elements are also extremely underdeveloped. You'll explore almost 80-90% of a level the first time and the only reason you'll ever want to go back is for chests which all contain ingredients for perks that are almost completely useless. There's no better weapons or gear to be found

I cannot comment either way on whether the story is any good but even here it wastes your time. You're given no context for any of what's going on but people just tend to drag you around to bear witness to random things happening. You barely affect the story; it just is a thing happening to the MC. The conversation interactions also are so pointless 50% of the time because nothing of substance is ever spoken that's even relevant and this is all in the name of building characters that don't have an ounce of charm to them

I'm really not having any fun playing this game. Maybe you'll enjoy it for what it is. To me this is one of the most mediocre games I've played. Pretty on the outside but so hollow within