What the fuck... That feast on my dining room table looking kinda crazy right now especially with the voices telling me to eat it... Feast 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

I kept making feddy fazbarf noises when I saw the bracken because it was dark and his eyes reminded me of Michael in Sister Location or whatever.

I spent hours building an underwater house with an elevator and moving fish from several different places in the world just to my house and sponges idk man, it was a fever dream, i don't even remember doing this tbh.... i did it in a fever state...

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(explaining this to someone who thinks dubious consent is hot) so the reason why it is abusive is that the main character withholds important information from his wife that would have made her not choose to spend her life with him and also this entire game is in his mind. This game additionally has the feature of constantly abusing his wife as well as giving her no ability to consent or understand what is happening in the relationship..... IT'S NOT HOT PLEASE STOP SAYING ITS HOT

guyyyys... I am literally just a silly little guy !!! let me in your house.... I'm just a little guy.... don't question why i need to enter your home so bad.... just let this silly little guy in your home.... can a silly little guy even do any harm.... I am so silly and harmless and kind... let me in please...

My friend wants to fuck the Ice Pea Shooter when we were kids.

that was crazyyyy my boner was immense better sex game than minecrafdt

im nosferatu and i approve of these messages

i might have played the shit out of this game as a kid and finished it but it's like kind of basic shovelware??? idk lol

what if i took a picture of my peanits... ouchie.... now i walk on peanits...


i loved isaac newton kinda throwing it back in whirling in rags

Good night my sweet prince, oplia babie #4.... you will be remembered... Oplia bird in containment with her husband.... so sad....

No baby!! I don't care that you're transgender... or... or even the fact that you're out of this world, touch so foreign... actually... I don't want to date you because... Qatherine is an insane way to spell that name !!!!! :'(

I befriended and killed Jason Voorhees.