This game epitomises beauty in simplicity, as well as pretty much everything loved about Zelda being very strongly present here. You don't need a lot, you just need what's there to be good, and boy was this good.

Honestly one of the best Zelda games I've played, beautiful from start to finish.

Deplorable excuse of a sequel. BotW was not a perfect game by any means, it was more of a prototype of what was to come from Zelda, which lead us to TotK.

All we got was a glorified DLC. It's not BotW 2, 1.75, or even 1.5, it's a 1.25 at best with a few new features and improvements. You get about 3 new enemies, up to 2.5x bigger map filled with more reused content then ever(the depths is incredibly dull and the sky is just filled with the same islands over and over with a few unique parts), a lot of the same things we already had in BotW(such as korok puzzles, which are generally identical), worse shrines, and what the fans were calling for, temples returning, but sadly, worse than ever.

But for each improvement or new feature, the game either continued to stagnate or get worse. It shares most of the same problems that BotW had as well as just about giving us the same story as OoT again.

Oh, and turning this game into Minecraft does not suddenly make it amazing, either. Like BotW, most things in this game get old about 15-20 hours in, and the further you go in the more basic the game gets. Fuse could have been a significantly better feature but instead we just got an ability which sticks random things on the end of your weapon, barely making any difference to combat, but at least it's useful for smashing rocks and such! The shield fuse is fun for a bit but in general, fuse is a better meme than it is a good new feature, same goes for the Minecraft aspect.

As it's own game I would say it's on par with BotW, about a 7/10 at best, cause for all the flaws, it's still fun enough in general and exploration is still good. But, as a sequel? It's a pretty lazy effort by Nintendo, so in that regard it's about a 5/10, so for my official Backloggd rating I'll give it the in between score, 6/10.

Zelda needs saving, and more than just the princess in the game.

A game type designed for a smaller world, as an open world with all the flaws open world games have but even worse. Still has it's good points(as well as a number of meh) but doesn't have the steam for it's scale.

Up until the end of act 2 it was fun and solid game, not very ambitious or experimental but it has the heart of a traditional JRPG, exactly what I wanted. I would say at that point the game was probably worth a possible 3.5 stars.

But then I got to the post game(act 3) content and the storyline there went in a direction I strongly disliked, so I decided not to finish it. It went full potato and I don't regret stopping there, so here we are. Sad ting.

Edit: I watched act 3 on YouTube and good lord it was horrendous, glad I did not waste my time!