it's fine, pretty much exactly as you expect. simple and fun to play after finishing silent hill 3 but can't see myself putting in crazy hours


beautiful. shame about the motion sickness

very solid platformer. i have insane respect for people who 100% these games

rufus was annoying and i didn't care enough to stick with the puzzles

Can be frustrating but when it works it's very fun

Cute. Was a nice experience but happy it was short. Found the story slightly confusing.

Not sure what to do in one section of a level. Annoying I have to run for 10 minutes before I get a chance to try again, that is if I didn't die before then.

Very boring visually, hoped for more from the mini car concept.

Respect this game a lot though but find it frustrating to navigate with no map.

Not as good as the first. Might enjoy it more if the pc version worked with a controller.