i wish this got a console port

another indie plaformer which was fine but really had nothing that made me want to play beyond a couple of hours

Incredible and very unique experience.

incredible experience. loved the atmosphere, spent most the game walking around just enjoying being being in each location. also that song in the opening is really nice.

my main problem with the game, and what kept it from being five stars, was the enemy encounters while in silent hill. there were too many to kill without feeling like i'm wasting ammo but they were also too agressive to ignore. made spending time in the main town pretty frustrating. otherwise it was good i had fun thanks guys!!!

My first visual novel and a very good one to start.


beautiful. shame about the motion sickness

really cool game. can see my rating improving as i play more and get better.

cool settings, great characters, nice story. just an overall amazing experience.

another amazing game. less interesting plot than the first two and the villain was cartoonishly evil but still great. really liked heather a lot as the protagonist. rip vincent but happy my hero douglas survived (for the ending i got at least)

it's fine, pretty much exactly as you expect. simple and fun to play after finishing silent hill 3 but can't see myself putting in crazy hours

very solid platformer. i have insane respect for people who 100% these games

rufus was annoying and i didn't care enough to stick with the puzzles