6 Reviews liked by ara

If you know you made something special the first time because of, and not in spite of, its very incompleteness, do you try to replicate that when you're given a second try?

Is the philosophy here to just be unconcerned with a fully polished, balanced experience and lean instead on the quirks of ambition?

For months, the DD2 subreddit has been awash in people gnashing teeth over the game's shortcomings. They sold themselves the belief that DD2 would discard DD1's emptiness and dreamlikes qualities, or package them into a proper game this time, something with only the positives and none of the negatives. Now a good part of the active fanbase is convinced that Itsuno's "vision" is sham because DD2, in fact, could not be perfect.

But I think I'm convinced more than ever that that vision is real because DD2 is so beautifully flawed. If a piece of media can't be literally everything without being crushed under its own weight or turned into a Star Citizen pyramid scheme, then what is DD2 doing?

It's the pinnacle of RPG imagineering. Freeflowing expressive combat, organic and opaque questing, never seeing the same companion twice (except on rare occasions and then its a delight), coyly hiding much of itself so you feel an urge to learn. Itsuno's vision is to create a reason for this experience to exist as a game, and not a movie, book, etc.

Now it just needs a hard mode or Itsuno is a fucking hack.

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In this moment, I am euphoric. Fantasy SRPGs are back baby.

So TS really splits its gameplay into three main segments and it is extremely successful at all of them.

1. Tactical combat - challenging and strategic. there are units better than others, but it is also a helluva lot more balanced than something like FFT. There is a greater emphasis on grabbing aggro and setting up dominos of damage dealing with TP. There is little chance to grind your units to a higher level than your enemies as to make battles irrelevant, but it is VERY easy to train lower level units to parity. A successful fight usually left me exhaling in relief at the end of it and rarely frustrated.

2. Exploration - another way to learn about the world and its inhabitants besides reading lore bits. It's fun, I enjoyed seeing the different architecture and personality of places in the world. Makes it feel lived in. As Serenoa you converse and pilfer everything around you in a given space, usually to help with our third bit of the gameplay triangle

3. The Scales of Conviction - ur choices matter. A major choice is presented to you, but it is really the choice for your inner circle to decide. Your only power is to sway them to your opinion, which you can FAIL at especially if you did a poor job exploring and gathering information. Decisions and dialogue chosen in the past can also effect how difficult swaying someone to a certain option might be.

And the choices are not some milquetoast bullshit. It is also usually more complex than Do Evil Thing Or Not, because the writing is eloquent enough to give forceful argument to even the most abhorrent choice. The characters have a dynamism that lends authority behind certain choices you might otherwise not take. Their pleas can be persuasive, I had my mind changed SEVERAL times through dialogue with my confidants.

This game fucking rules. Just be prepared to pay attention to the cutscenes.

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Chadley may be an interesting avatar of SHINRA's desire to dissect and extract every nugget of value from the planet, and therefore reflect the modern player's desire to do every peabrained activity if it has a node on a world map but he still SUCKS.

Rebirth is boring open world busywork in between the actual interesting bits that made Remake such a fantastic game. I still like those bits, I still like the whole conceit of these sequels, but this is an unnecessarily bloated recitation of those elements.

The sidequests are not far removed from the pointless overworld nonsense and are as weak as they were in Remake. The world at this fidelity just isnt as symmetrical or foreboding as it was on PSX; the party dont fade into the background of the world, they tower over it with far more colored in personality. I believe, for a number of reasons, that this is fine considering the nature of the game's existence and what it's saying about FF7 as a cultural product, but it also means that the more this new series becomes a by-the-numbers AAA rpg the more a contradiction arises.

A fun time loop game that jumps the shark with a tacky and ridiculous ending.

Reverie is half way back to what makes a falcom game great fun: a combination of building story sequences and engaging gameplay. The three different routes help keep it varied. It tries to clean up the mess from the last game, but can never really outgrow its shadow. At the end of the day it gives hope for a better tomorrow, one that was sorely needed.

I’ve said this a few times before but this time I am not joking. This is the worst gaming experience I’ve ever had. Hundreds of hours of solid build up, an amazing predecessor, all for this 100 hours of pure mouldy dick cheese.

I’m not even gonna tag spoilers because I genuinely hope I spoil you and put you off. Everybody you thought was dead, is still alive. Anybody that did die, alive. Anybody that was dead before the events of the first game, alive. Anybody that was evil, not actually evil they were just being controlled. Anybody that made a remotely bad choice in their life, it was the actions of some mystical dookie god fuck I hate this game oh my god

The game thinks it’s so much more mature and clever than it is, you have characters in these dire situations making decisions like 13 year olds it makes me physically sick. The only reason I picked up this entire franchise was because of the cover image of this game man I wanna die

Combat is so gas my favourite turn based system ever peaked here, Rean is gas too idgaf if I have to see Lloyd again after Reverie I’m ending it all

I sincerely believe everyone involved in the production deserves some form of punishment whether it be suspension from game development or jail time.

Thank you