I played this on my family computer in 97-03. It scared me very much (I wasn't older than 5)

Rented this at some point between 1997 - 2003.

This game is amazing. Stealth gameplay is stellar. World and art style are awesome too. I'm due for a replay though, since I last played it like 9 years ago.

I have many fond memories of playing this game at my childhood best friend's house.

Alright... hear me out.

TO ME PERSONALLY, no other game has drawn me in like this one. The most fun I have in this game are the raid and dungeon experiences with my friends (when they used to play). I am speaking as a veteran who joined the game when it went "free-to-play".

Back then, the entire Red War, Curse of Osiris, and Warmind campaigns were fully playable and free for all players. Forsaken was a cheap buy and you would get access to its year of content. And of course there was Shadowkeep, which at the time was the new expansion. The amount of content in that game was stellar.

Bungie squashed a lot of goodwill when Beyond Light came out. All of that content which I had just played for about a year was gone. But I was still having fun with it. But it definitely sucked that a lot of my guns which I grinded for, were sunset as well. As the years went by, my friends played less and less... and I didn't really stop. I'm still hooked, to this day. No other FPS feels the same to me. This game has a blend of everything I like in a multiplayer game. The lore, the music, the gunplay, the buildcrafting... I just wish it could do a lot of things better. I could make a whole essay on everything wrong with the game. But over the years there have also been massive improvements to quality-of-life and to buildcrafting. However, the monetization is absolutely horrid and I understand why the game has been dying. Bungie is the true Destiny killer.

Fun game with the boyz. Not crazy about it at all. I just play scout when they need me and that's it. I don't really feel interested in playing this game by myself at all.

I really enjoyed this game. The controls were frustrating at times but it was so much fun.

I tried it one time with some friends. Thought it was aight. Fighting games just aren't much of my thing.


First time I played it was PS4. I proceeded to play it on PC after.

This, to me, is purely a boyz game. As in I only care to play it with my friends, never by myself, purely cause I don't find the world, story, and aesthetic appealing at all. Like, to me personally fantasy settings are hit-or-miss and this one just doesn't draw me in at all. But it's a cool game overall, I like the build variety and the boss fights are cool. Some of the areas were kinda cool I guess. But yea I beat this game twice (once on PS4, once on PC) with my friends and I had fun with them.

I don't really feel interested in the DLC or the NG+ either so.

Dawg, these controls are awful. You NEED the sticks for this game, I cannot play this with a controller, much less a Dreamcast controller.

Omg this game is amazing, it's so fun at the local arcade. I used to play it with my dad when he'd take me to arcades. But it's so hard... I SUCK.