If I read another Soulja Boy joke i stg I'm going to Jonathan Blow my brains out

Not sure if I had enough patience for this game, but yeah, I can see why it's so acclaimed.

I will never not find it funny that some guys invented these super expensive vr headset displays almost a decade ago and since then there's only been approximately one vr game that people actually want to play

Game's aesthetic is unflinchingly grim and grungy and never lets up on that for a second, i don't totally think it really works because there's nothing to really motivate you to keep pushing through this depressing sea of inky black darkness.

There are a lot of great pieces of media nowadays that are able to tackle dark or serious themes while still being able to be lighthearted and funny when it’s appropriate. Fuga seems like a good case study in how not to do that.

I can feel the early 2010's coming back to me as we speak.

I was sooo into this game as a kid. I wonder if it's any good

It is so very very danganronpa, … but also very much its own thing? Definitely strikes a very fine balance that most projects like this fail to hit. Also shoutout the beautiful homemade-style graphics.

Making this game better than mini metro is pro-car propaganda and I can’t forgive them for that

They let you take the cubes out of the levels

It's actually kind of crazy how well this game holds up today. Every part of this game has so much polish and the soundtrack by Danny B. just brings it all together into one really fun package. All the choices and bonus content make it really stand out today.
I also love how the alternative characters actually unlock levels and make progress. I remember playing as a kid and using Tim to get past the creatures in the rapture when I was stuck and it felt a lot more interesting than using assist mode to get past a place I was stuck in when playing celeste. (no hate to celeste)

The only game to actually make you want a numpad.

who else came here from reading muse as a kid


I mean the game is exactly what I was expecting. I don't really know why I didn't like it that much.