2 reviews liked by balzabul

if this game sucked dick, at least it'd be doing something for someone. instead, it sucks the life out of everyone and everything around it, and blows the most fetid hot air out of its putrid lungs, killing everyone else on the planet over the next dour, irritating, wasteful days of your life spent playing this game

This has to be one of the most astonishingly stupid stories I've come across. The majority of the game is a piss poor Firewatch rip off, but then it decides to take a sharp turn into WEIRDO CITY. It's an exercise in how not to handle sensitive subjects, and the twists/revelations are complete and utter bullshit. It's beyond me that actual human beings wrote this nonsense and thought "Yea this is it". Even if it wasn't filled with weird pedo shit, the story just makes absolutely zero logical sense. What a waste of some good atmosphere.