Most Anticipated Games of 2024

Yes, I'm bored as hell, how can you tell?

Rise of the Ronin
Rise of the Ronin
Open world grounded historical Japanese setting with Team Ninja's Soulslike combat? I'm so in.


Star Wars Outlaws
Star Wars Outlaws
please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good please be good


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
I'm ready to be mindfucked.


Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark
We need more games with Southern Gothic themes.


Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine II
Kicking alien ass as a absolute specimen in a honest-to-god third person shooter is just inherently cool.


The Last of Us Part II: Remastered
The Last of Us Part II: Remastered
I firmly believe that TLOU Part II has one of the best third person action-shooting combat systems out there. And that roguelike mode is extremely exciting for me because of that. Plus, the cut content is very intriguing for me.


Sword of the Sea
Sword of the Sea
Hoverboard but it's a sword. Fuck yeah.


Metaphor: ReFantazio
Metaphor: ReFantazio
From the imagination of the finest RPG devs in the biz.


Weirdo games are the best games.


Parcel Corps
Parcel Corps
Jet Set Radio x Premium Rush


The Plucky Squire
The Plucky Squire
Whimsy go brrrrrrrr


Harold Halibut
Harold Halibut
I've been ready to play this game since 2-3 years ago.


Penny's Big Breakaway
Penny's Big Breakaway
I'm not a big platformer guy but something about this really grabbed me.


Skate Story
Skate Story
Finally, a skateboarding game for sick freaks.


Really liking how cinematic and stylish this game looks. Hopefully it sticks the landing.



5 months ago

I'm curious to know if you're also interested about these ones?
- The Wolf Among Us 2
- Ys X: Nordics
- Silksong
- Hades 2
- Silent Hill 2 Remake
- Dragon Quest 12 (I think this one is for 2025 tho)

5 months ago

I have not played the first Wolf Among Us so I can't be too hyped for it yet, I'll probably like it a lot tho, judging from the praises of that game.
Same goes of Nordics, it looks cool but I want to play some other games in the series first. I started Ys Origins sometime ago and I'm liking it a lot.
Silksong is a weird one for me, I know it'll probably be amazing, but I'm kinda hit and miss with 2D metroidvanias. I do like what I've played of Hollow Knight but I'm not exactly hooked.
I didn't like Hades as much as I wanted so I'm not too interested in Hades 2.
SH2R looks so beautiful but Bloober Team's track record hasn't been the best so I'm very cautious about it.
Very hyped to see/learn more about DQXII, there's just barely anything shown so I can't be excited for it yet haha.

5 months ago

Most people consider Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana to be th emagnus opus of the series. After you're done with Origins, I highly recommand this one!
I agree with SH2R aswell... I'm kinda worried about how it'll turn out. The fact that they didn't even want to start with a remake of SH1 says a lot imo.

5 months ago

Yeah I heard great things about Ys 8 as well, excited to check it out someday
Yeah I think a SH1 remake would have probably been more... necessary, I guess, haha. I don't trust them to add anything new to SH2, I'm hoping they keep it as faithful as possible

5 months ago

Read your note on Outlaws and it made me laugh. Because I'm right there with you.

Fingers crossed, hoping the same

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