A cute little RPG Maker Game. Purchased as a part of the itch.io bundle for Racial Justice.

It's a game where you plant trees and nurture them over time. It's slow and sedate. YMMV. Purchased as a part of the Itch.io bundle for Racial Justice.

I love the attention to detail in this game. Purchased as a part of the itch.io bundle for Racial Justice.

Purchased as a part of the Itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice.

I didn't give this game it's due while playing it, as it felt more meditative and thoughtful than I had time for on stream but it's a thoughtful and lovely game, beautifully made.

Purchased as a part of the Itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice.

Like a Five Nights at Freddy's demake that wouldn't suck, No Delivery is actually way better than that description would lead you to believe. It's an interesting game, worth your time and energy to seek out.

Purchased as a part of the Itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice.

I generally love Squinky games, and this one was no exception. You Used to be Someone was a pretty good dip into depression, and a solid piece of personal narrative storytelling. If that's your bag, then you're bound to get something out of this game.

Purchased as a part of the Itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice.

Purchased as a part of the Itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice.

This feels like a pseudo-clicker(?) game? Your mileage, clearly, may vary depending on your interest in those types of games.

Purchased as a part of the Itch.io bundle for Racial Justice.

Purchased as a part of the Itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice.

Grabbed through the Itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality.

The autism joke is unfortunate, but the gameplay is also ultimately quite simplistic and doesn't really justify more than a light playthrough.

Grabbed through the Itch.io bundle for Racial Justice. It was a fun game to take for a spin, and had a good hook for a narrative game (70's Italy, driving game, etc) but the driving difficulty was quite steep and there wasn't enough of a narrative hook to come back for seconds -- which the game clearly called for.

Hyper difficult, DROPSHIP is a nontheless fascinating and lovely game designed to challenge you. Ultimately not for me as I am deeply prone to motion sickness.

GOTY, GOTD. This game is so perfectly distilled for me that I had to stop playing it because I would just speedrun it during work, just clocking in precision runs on my phone while waiting for a video to render or mindlessly waiting for my brain to reboot. I love this game.