106 Reviews liked by bazoonga

they ruined fe3 by making it a good game

turns out the best way to up the sales of your generic mid uwu RPG is to just say some insanely bigoted bullshit

I'm not normally one to judge the people who work on the games, but the developers of this game are actively transphobic and are actually passionate about their hate speech and don't seem to discourage it on their social media or their Steam forums. Stay far away.

there are plenty of cool RPG Maker/Game Maker games you can play without giving money or attention to out and proud transmisogynists. go play those instead of wasting your time and money on this garbage

imagine being transphobic 🤢 can't relate

Horrible people behind making this game who mocked trans suicide rates and the like.
Also just a very mediocre game.
Just play temtem.

I will never be afraid again

I will also never see an official Flipnote service again

Love to use our time travel powers to avert disaster, only to be roped in with a bunch of criminal-adjacent boys and their problem-solving gang!

Even though some of the scenes aren't properly subtitled, we had a pretty great time with this one! Shame the "true" route on the end takes a wild narrative turn that feels unearned and unjustified.

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The found-family dynamics is the shining spot of this game. The MC was fine, not the best, but not the worst by far. The LIs were a great group. It went way hard in some of the bad ends, specifically Limbo's. Mozu's route also had a dark bit. I liked the memorabilia parts and the UI. More romance fluff would've been nice, but it did have a lot of plot and an interesting sci-fi twist with Teuta's powers. A solid game worthy of replaying. Loved Scarecrow, Limbo, and Shu <3.

mozu's waif-ish gaze and autistic behavior has bewitched me body and soul (this game is not steamy at all but it's fun)

Misakoko got me into a relationship that has been very good for my heart thank you craftegg

The real game starts when you get tired of playing it and just retweet ship art all day

reminded me that unfortunately, i may still be interested in men,

Teuta is one of the best otome heroines ever, so much better than bland self-insertable blank slates of other games.
This game is so worth a play, one of the best!

everything i do is for you teuta