106 Reviews liked by bazoonga

love the effort, not a fan of much else.

This story is absolutely fucking ridiculous and it's a solid 4.5/5 stars from enjoyability. Neun please put on some clothes.



Let's get down to business!
And consume... the soy!
minecraft slurp noises

BRUSH! The Stacies off now!
Our Omoriboy!

All these women never treat me right! And they haven't got a clue!
Because I, am a Redditor too!



not a good game or story but entertainingly stupid enough to gather the attention of 14 year olds who e-date with matching kuro and aki profiles

in general i think the game is incredibly overrated for what it is. sorry to the many zeno fans i know

If I had the power to magically conjure up a sequel to one game of my choosing, this would probably be my pick.

To me, this is the epitome of a "DS rpg":
-Imaginative, experimental mechanics that haven't been revisited, leaving them to die in obscurity inside a game that basically nobody bought or played.
-Absolute balls to the wall confidence and ambition that somehow manages to mostly deliver, with some hiccups.
-Graphics and art direction way better than what you think a handheld game budget of the era should be able to buy.
-Probably actually pretty bad but is a super sick experience if you can manage to get on its wavelength.

The game is absolutely not perfect, and I do remember having some serious frustrations with some parts when I finished it about a decade ago. But time only makes me appreciate its creativity more, and I really do think it's worth playing to just to see how close the team was to having the stars align.

A sequel will probably never happen, but the first game that takes Avalon Code's foundation and runs with it is going to blow up in a big way. I guarantee it.



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I left a negative review on Steam which maybe wasn't necessary but man I hate a surprise incest plotline. It was free so I feel bad complaining but it really bummed me out.



I shoulda never smoked that shit, now I'm in the Guertena Art Gallery with no way out



extremely impressed by this. might honestly be the gold standard platonic ideal for remaking a game in this fashion.




If u got this game u only got it for one very hyperspecific reason that nintendo would SMITE you for if they could

european gamedevs are terrifying

So much Peanus.... so so much penice.... too much penuts.....

why do people pay her for hacking 3ds when it's surprisingly easy and anyone can do it