106 Reviews liked by bazoonga

I was writing the fifth paragraph of my review, and then accidentally clicked on one of my browser's bookmarked websites, losing all of my progress. It felt exactly like my first 6 hours into this game, so I think that this is way more symbolic than anything that I could have ever written.

I'm going to make you love me by throwing a single squid at you every day for a year and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

If you can get past the wall of information the game won't teach you, delving into manuals and wikis to gather everything you need to play...

You'll find a pretty poor taste /v/ coomer game with rape, edgy shit, and teenage energy creating this 'chad'like persona dominating a bunch of women. With uhhh decent tactical combat that goes by pretty fast i guess. The combat itself is enjoyable but pales in comparison to the mountain of shit the game focuses on aesthetically and is crammed in your face.

I guess it's fulfillment for otakus who don't get any girlfriends.

These denpa games are literally what zero pussy does to a mf 😂

Well if you want a more challenging Fire Emblem experience, I guess this is it. I think that's the only positive draw to this one unless you like the characters more than I did. Don't get me wrong, there's some pretty good ones in here like Leo and Xander, but in general I didn't really enjoy this cast. The story in this one is pretty awful though. It's really difficult to buy that Corrin and co. are actually really doing their best to change Nohr from the inside out while being complicit in the atrocities that Garen wants them to commit. I dunno, if you want a more challenging Fire Emblem experience, I feel like Radiant Dawn or some of the much older Fire Emblem games are better bets.

there's value in even the worst parts of life that are worth experiencing, even when the temptation of becoming someone else and disappearing back into the womb, untraceable, is presented to you

My old review was too based for this website so all I'm going to say is that not only it's cringe and promotes abhorrent messages catered to incels but it's also a pretty garbage game

- meiko is there
- oster project is there
- oster project was paid money to write music for it

- gacha pain

would have been one star because whistling doesn't summon my horse but when I found out I could put a hat on him I bumped it back up to five



an idle clicker that knows when to end? amazing

brianna lei you bitch you done did it again...you made me cry

Fuck it, I don't care, I don't have reasons, nor do I want them. I am capable of emotion, believe it or not, despite my scrawls of pontification. And I get feelings from these games. The first came out in 2017 (age of political awakening and steady decline) and this came out in 2022 (deep in the age of "it") and I needed it both times. Romance is dangerous for me; I avoid it because I get all up in my lonely feelings. This is my rare chance to curl up in it. There's no logical reason why this works for me so much and other things like it simply don't. I can dissect it or make a nuanced pitch, but it's a waste of words. This is not a recommendation or a review. I'm just saying things. I'm not going to compare one entry to the other; I don't much remember the first one other than adoring it deeply. Sure, maybe some of it is hamfisted this time around, and sure, there are anachronistic memes, but I literally don't care. I just like it. It makes me smile and I get warm fuzzies and I like it. It is so rare that I can just smile authentically and earnestly at art. Vulnerability can be embarrassing but it's liberating. Earnestness will set me free. And if you think it's cringe to find joy in something so vulnerable, then you can leave me the fuck alone

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pee pee ketchup man canon.... god bless.