I'd recommend playing Yume Nikki instead or watching a playthrough of this.

I've waited for OMORI for a long time without knowing the controversy, just based on the trailers alone. I'm glad I played it but I can't recommend it to anyone else, just watch a playthrough. The dream world segments (which most of its marketing revolved around) are slightly lackluster. While it is in part intentional, it's overshadowed by the quality of the real-world segments which take FOREVER to get to. It has a lovely story with completely abhorrent pacing. While I do feel it handled its sensitive material decently, segments drag on for way too long, the dialogue is slow which is painful if you want to replay to get the other achievements. While there are some genuinely unnerving moments and some interesting little details to analyze, I wouldn't classify this as horror. Ironically the moments that are scary are a lot more subtle as opposed to the poster scenes the game tries to parade. Combat has a decent system but it's still relatively slow. With monster designs and some dreamworld sequences being... well bland and the build-up to important events being so slow OMORI easily felt tedious to play at times. I won't deny the charm oozing from OMORI, but it has some glaring flaws.

OMORI is praised for its art and plot often, which I agree with wholly but as a game, it's very prone to feeling static, so it doesn't wholly feel worth its price or time. I myself bawled my eyes out but it's a story that's enjoyed moreso for long-time RPG Maker fans. OMORI's plot certainly endeared greatly to me, and I do feel it rewards exploration, but it feels like such an unneccessarily long timesink. I'd suggest watching a playthrough for the story or playing Yume Nikki which is the poster example of well-executed dream-based games.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2021


3 years ago

Just chiming in to second your call to play Yume Nikki instead. At the very least one should absolutely finish a playthrough of Yume Nikki prior to playing OMORI.
Just chiming in to third your call. Yume Nikki is amazing.

3 years ago

Didn't know about the game's biggest composers being a self-admitted abuser, is there a source for this? If true that's awful, I regret purchasing the OST.
That being said, the "shotacon" and "fujoshi behavior" in reference to Omocat has been thoroughly debunked.

3 years ago

like noah fence but omocat literally called the main character a shota and then backpedaled on it pretending to not know what "shota" means lol. why are u guys so eager to defend "TOUHOU BUT FUCKED UP" tier art

3 years ago

"Backpedaled" is literally not what happened, they didn't say they didn't know what it means, they said it meant something literally different.
The creator in this instance has actually had a whole thread going into the information around it, explaining the miscommunication, etc. This was also all the way back in 2013 and it's so weird for this to be brought up now when it had already been addressed and explained thoroughly?/////////

3 years ago

I thought "fujoshi behavior" was the accusations against the artist literally acting fujoshi which was never corroborated by anybody? If this was about the stickers initially I'll take an L on that

3 years ago

shota has literally always been a pornographic term, u literally cannot google it without "shotacon" and a definition as old as 2011 coming up (https://i.imgur.com/7OiFQEJ.png) that explicitly defines it at "sex with an underage boy". again, not sure why this is the hill you're choosing to die on.

3 years ago

ah yes, the guy who goes "u said 'nauseous' instead of 'nauseated' so i didn't realize u were sick" has logged on. steer clear, informal word definitions and cultural usages of terms need not apply.

i'm gonna stop now bc we're derailing. play yume nikki.

3 years ago

I think that's still being massively uncharitable considering not only were they 19 when they posted the shirt but also the fact that shota as a term has varied widely from site to site, there's a whole facet of DeviantArt and UrbanDictionary which defines it as "young boy" and if you weren't going into sexual avenues of the Internet you could easily go your entire life not knowing the connotations of it, especially if you're in the US.

3 years ago

And for the record, you still said they backpedaled like you completely made it up that they ever did so? You haven't cited anything either!

3 years ago

mfers be like "play yume nikki", yea okay, why?

3 years ago

cuz its good

3 years ago

Yume nikki is cool but you are all wrong for not playing unreal life instead

3 years ago

dunno why people are so keen on criticizing art based on the artists involved. idgaf if the creator killed a family and their composer ate the remains - if the product's good, then it's good

whether or not you should pay money at that point's another thing, but y'know, i don't see black metal fans suddenly hating the music they listen to just cause it's made by white supremacists or church burners

3 years ago

i was interested to play this game but with the controversy i'm not sure if i want to buy omori :|

3 years ago

chandelier kinda spittin rn

3 years ago

i don’t think anybody should be absolutist about it (i certainly have a few favorites made by shitty ppl, it’s pretty much impossible not to) but i think it’s good to try & avoid games made by bad ppl and use that time to play more games made by good ppl. can’t speak for omori or its devs tho, just speaking in general.

3 years ago

The main composer for Dragon Quest is a active and current Nanjing denialist but people going off on someone for what they did years ago.
it is what isssssssssssssssss

3 years ago

This comment was deleted

3 years ago

i think usually @chandler they assume it seeps into the art itself in some way, which can be true in some cases (lovecraft being scared of racemixing and it fuelling his stories, said black metal having lyrics that glorifies that nazi kind of shit, etc). but i think it should be taken case by case and even then those bad parts often don't ruin the art for many. i've had to convince people that omori itself doesn't sexualise children in any way and that that kind of intent is completely missing from the game. that being said, all ive said so far is treading around death of the author which i assume is a concept people are well familiar with lol

i think it's fair to not want to support creators doing bad things, and you can always just pirate it. i bought omori after my own judgment seeing the shota stuff (basically brushed it aside as a 10 yo misunderstanding on the dev's part), but i don't know if i would've if i'd seen the stuff about that composer.

a lot of worthwhile art is still made by very flawed/bad people. i have burzum albums downloaded and dude was a murderer, arsonist, nazi in his prime (he's just busy being pathetic on twitter now). i dont know anyone in my circle that actually supports him. i understand if people aren't able to detach art from artist to THAT extent, but on, say, rateyourmusic, you don't really see many people spamming low ratings on stuff made by bad people

3 years ago

slams art by artists who have said reprehensible things
purchases media by AAA corporations with questionable business decisions and employee policies, who knows what kinds of things the higher ups support (see: ubisoft)

how curious! i am very intelligent.

...just kidding. I think it's going to be impossible to support media without some amount of cognitive dissonance - death of the author and piracy may help in resolving them for some people, but I understand if others are morally opposed to it. I think it's all subjective at the end of the day.

...i've never played omori

3 years ago

@turdl3 i can't get behind the whole "the artist seeps into the art" point especially if the work is already good on its own terms. i understand shitting on a piece of art and using the creator's own flaws against it, but in reviews such as this one it just boils down to "i liked it, but i don't like the creators, so i don't like it as much as i could"

also varg was exactly who i was thinking of too lmao. it's hilarious to me how burzum can be accepted by metalheads as a great artist despite him being such a shitty person, but when you hop on backloggd it's hard to find a negative review of fez with any criticism that extends beyond "fuck phil fish"
I wasn't going to contribute to this song and dance but I feel inclined to publicly blast chandler's stupid ass rhetoric from orbit with a complete satellite nuke because I feel like any kind of media analysis that has that view is really just not worth paying attention to.

Completely divorcing artist from art is the stupidest shit, "death of the author" has destroyed internet discourse for years from people who seem to understand it more as "the artist is dead so it doesn't matter" rather than understanding what it's actually saying, which has the opposite to do with trying to consume product without considering who made it.

Sure, it's all subjective, but if anyone seriously believes chandler's shit I'd ask you block or unfollow me rather than contribute to that childish crap

3 years ago

@chandler The Phil Fish thing is so annoying. The game has none of his obnoxious personality in it and it's impossible to discuss the game without having someone bring that up or disingenuously call the game garbage cause of their opinion on the guy.
@QuilDewlvy If the art is good and the artist isn't, you can still enjoy the art, dingus.

3 years ago

just as it is equally possible for one to like a piece of art significantly less for the artist behind it

it's just subjective. that's all i have to say - again, i've never even played this game, I just saw my friends comment here
@SuperSpeedRaven If the artists tarnish the art with paint it's not the same art you might consider, even with the memory of what that art originally looked like. If you can't understand that mental analogy then I have nothing more to say to you
@mellorine Exactly. It varies based on the person behind the art and the person consuming it. That sums up my opinion.