Some things are so bad, they’re good. Conception ii tends to be like this during the visual novel segments, and then turns into plain old boring tedium with its combat. It’s one thing to have extremely easy combat, it’s another to have a game feel like an active chore to play through. This is a mediocre dating sim first and foremost, and an abysmal jrpg second lmao. If you want a brainrot game, you’d probably have more fun elsewhere.

i'd judge ash too, lmao
a freeware indie that tries to do a slight spin on the yandere trope, but the overarching plot is kinda flimsy. its made with love though!

It's a short angsty rpgmaker yuri walking sim. It has all the things I'm like, so I'm satisfied. Do keep in mind that the translation isn't great, but for a buck, it's cute.

Reminds me of cubic ninja. Dunno why or what they have in common.


i'm here on april 27th before obey me got a DMCA strike by muse dash (prophetic). The beatmaps are kinda clunky, but far from unplayable. some taps have lag or just don't register, and my device functions perfectly with every other rhythm game. its not bad for solmare's pressumably first venture into developing rhythm games.

some remixes made some obm songs more rhythm game friendly, while others were either completely unneccesary or downright ruined a song.

well, whatever. no one is playing nightbringer for the rhythm game

the UI is cute. its for goo goo ga ga babies but i looooveeee oversaturated shoujo cooking aesthetics. localization is sadly rough around the edges for this 3DS version.

i love playing whatever under the sun as long as there's a cute anime girl to trick me into playing it but i cannot for this either. i am not god's strongest warrior

Extremely heartfelt and sincere. So much thought was put into every facet of the character's personal journeys and it's also very clearly personal to its creator too. It meant a lot to me and touched my heart when i was in middle school. and its extremely cathartic and touching to read as an adult now. I'm extremely biased but boo hoo

dialogue made me drag nails across my face in genuine embarassment at times, maybe I'm just not the target audience? It's decently made for a free renpy game and I give it much props for that. it's very much an emulation of the discord e-dating experience and i don't know why people would willingly seek that out from a game. Micah is a little endearing though.

i see those blue gems when i close my eyes

guys just because the rape/scat fetish nukige has an iota of depth, it doesn't make it good i promise you

has some dodgy elements, but it's not a major surprise for an otome with a brother cast. bonus points for a gender-neutral mc and for the lengths they go to make content accessible to the globe. the gacha isn't cruel but it's a bit of a drag to grind to level up your cards and get the necessary points.

TLDR: its a gacha otome in every sense lol

Fantastic Danmaku Festival's sequel is better by all accounts - art, danmaku, music, its original boss, but the first isn't bad either. It's a fun take on EoSD with being able to play as patchi and there are some fun revisions of danmaku here too. Perhaps a little dated, but if you have a spare few bucks, it's worth it imo.

very calming except the part where im bordering colourblindness at times