I'd recommend playing Yume Nikki instead or watching a playthrough of this.

I've waited for OMORI for a long time without knowing the controversy, just based on the trailers alone. I'm glad I played it but I can't recommend it to anyone else, just watch a playthrough. The dream world segments (which most of its marketing revolved around) are slightly lackluster. While it is in part intentional, it's overshadowed by the quality of the real-world segments which take FOREVER to get to. It has a lovely story with completely abhorrent pacing. While I do feel it handled its sensitive material decently, segments drag on for way too long, the dialogue is slow which is painful if you want to replay to get the other achievements. While there are some genuinely unnerving moments and some interesting little details to analyze, I wouldn't classify this as horror. Ironically the moments that are scary are a lot more subtle as opposed to the poster scenes the game tries to parade. Combat has a decent system but it's still relatively slow. With monster designs and some dreamworld sequences being... well bland and the build-up to important events being so slow OMORI easily felt tedious to play at times. I won't deny the charm oozing from OMORI, but it has some glaring flaws.

OMORI is praised for its art and plot often, which I agree with wholly but as a game, it's very prone to feeling static, so it doesn't wholly feel worth its price or time. I myself bawled my eyes out but it's a story that's enjoyed moreso for long-time RPG Maker fans. OMORI's plot certainly endeared greatly to me, and I do feel it rewards exploration, but it feels like such an unneccessarily long timesink. I'd suggest watching a playthrough for the story or playing Yume Nikki which is the poster example of well-executed dream-based games.

playing this while trying not to listen to your parents fight and the sound of ceramic breaking is a very vivid memory. thank you purble place

this was my reality and my life for months on end. this was all i was. i can't rate it less

did everyone get called a slur in the pillow room. is this a universal experience

guys just because the rape/scat fetish nukige has an iota of depth, it doesn't make it good i promise you

I hope the creator rests in peace. Others may think this is nothing more than a game that encapsulates his depression but I think that's fine. It's a testament to his skill. He was able to convey so much with so little. It may not be the most groundbreaking nowadays, but he knew what to expand upon and what not to. I think he had potential, and I'll keep presentable liberty in my memory. I hope others do too.

dialogue made me drag nails across my face in genuine embarassment at times, maybe I'm just not the target audience? It's decently made for a free renpy game and I give it much props for that. it's very much an emulation of the discord e-dating experience and i don't know why people would willingly seek that out from a game. Micah is a little endearing though.

i wished every mom in stardew valley gave me a chance ladies please I own a farm I'm so wealthy ladies PLEASE

i hate my itch for idle/incremental games. it has such unbearable dialogue. the fact that it has characters based off real people is... okay if done with consent but it's established some haven't and the fact that there's nsfw dlc of this game... just a bad combo. i would get nimh out of there but not even he is worth salvaging

dialogue is still balls to the wall funny at times. stupid gameplay (predecessor's only redeeming trait lol) with more caricatures and racism. now with the fun addition of incest and transphobia.

Genuinely a fun game to play with a decent match-3 system

I enjoy the banter and the characterization but it's a painfully unremarkable gacha game that doesn't deviate from the standard formula. It's fun every now and then but with the generic art and the bland gameplay, there's not much incentive to play this.

Edit: the rhythm game had more original danmaku elements than its rpg equivalent. lol. lmao.

i still play this daily on the 3DS from 2015 to 2021. the grip this game has on me is immense and maybe i skip dialogue but the characters are never stale and i still very occasionally discover new things. maybe it's just a comfort game but i think that says a lot about this

has some dodgy elements, but it's not a major surprise for an otome with a brother cast. bonus points for a gender-neutral mc and for the lengths they go to make content accessible to the globe. the gacha isn't cruel but it's a bit of a drag to grind to level up your cards and get the necessary points.

TLDR: its a gacha otome in every sense lol